Chapter 19: Moving In

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"Alright gang, welcome to Casa de Swift," Taylor announced, pushing open the door to her penthouse apartment.

The boys stepped inside, their eyes widening as they took in the sleek, modern space. Floor-to-ceiling windows, cozy furniture, gleaming hardwood floors, along with some of the most expensive decor they have ever seen - they were floored.

"Damn, Tay," Preston breathed, turning to her with an impressed grin. "You've been holding out on us. This place is sick!"

"Seriously, Taylor," Kyle said, flopping down on the nearest couch and spreading his arms wide. "Why are we only seeing this now? You've been keeping this swanky pad all to yourself?"

Taylor shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "What can I say? A girl's gotta have her secrets."

Ron snorted, wandering over to the floor-to-ceiling windows and pressing his nose against the glass. "More like you were ashamed of us," he said, his voice muffled. "Didn't want us lowly peasants tainting your fancy rich person space."

Taylor gasped in mock offense, pressing a hand to her heart. "Excuse you, I have never been ashamed of my boys. I was just... selective about who I invited over." She glanced over at Ava.

Preston raised an eyebrow, a sly grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Oh, so Ava made the cut, huh? I see how it is."

Ava pressed a kiss to Taylor's cheek. "What can I say? I'm just that irresistible."

Taylor laughed, turning to kiss her properly. "Damn right, you are," she murmured against her mouth. "My sexy, irresistible girlfriend."

"Gross," Kyle called out. "Keep the PDA to a minimum, please. Some of us are trying to enjoy this bougie lifestyle without getting sick."

Ava gave him the middle finger. "Alright, alright. No need to get your panties in a twist, Ky."

She turned to Taylor, her expression sobering slightly. "Seriously though, Tay. Thank you for this. For bringing us here, giving us a fresh start. It means a lot."

Taylor's eyes softened, her hand finding Ava's and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Anything for you, baby. I just want you to feel safe and supported, you know? And if that means leaving behind some painful memories and starting somewhere new for a bit... then that's what we'll do."

Ava swallowed hard, emotion welling up in her throat. "I love you," she said, "So fucking much."

Taylor smiled, bringing Ava's hand to her lips and pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. "I love you too, baby. More than anything."

The tender moment was broken by Ron's sudden scream.

"Holy shit, guys!" he exclaimed, practically vibrating with glee. "There's a fucking arcade room!"

Preston's eyes went wide, his head whipping around to stare at Taylor in awe. "Shut up. Are you serious?"

Taylor grinned, "See for yourself. Fully stocked with all the classics - Pac-Man, Street Fighter, even a vintage pinball machine."

For a moment, there was dead silence. Then, as if a starting gun had gone off, the boys were scrambling, racing each other toward the arcade room.

"Dibs on Mortal Kombat!" Kyle yelled, shoving past Ron.

"Oh hell no, that one's mine!" Ron shouted back, hot on his heels.

Preston just shook his head, following at a more sedate pace. "Children," he said with an exaggerated sigh. "I'm surrounded by children."

But there was no mistaking the gleam of excitement in his eye, the barely-contained grin that threatened to split his face.

Taylor and Ava watched them go, twin expressions of fond amusement on their faces.

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