Chapter 20: Like Jersey Shore

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Author's note: I recently rewatched Jersey Shore & this came out of it haha! Sorry for a long chapter - I'll wrap up this story soon <3 

Also I'm aware Chris Evans isn't gay and is married etc, it's a fanfic, roll with it :P 

The bass thumped through the crowded club. In the center of it all, Taylor, Ava, and the boys were lost in the music, their laughter and shouts of joy barely audible over the noise.

"This is fucking insane!" Ava yelled, her grin wide as she spun Taylor around. "I feel like we're in an episode of Jersey Shore or some shit!"

Taylor laughed, pulling Ava close and planting a kiss on her cheek. "Does that make you Snooki?"

Ava grinned. "Damn right I am. I'm the Snooki this club deserves."

Preston, who had been bopping along to the music, suddenly froze, his eyes going wide. "Holy shit," he breathed, grabbing Kyle's arm in a vice grip. "Guys. Guys. Look who just walked in."

They all turned to follow his gaze, squinting through the flashing lights. There, in the VIP section, sat none other than Chris Evans, looking unfairly gorgeous in a simple black t-shirt and jeans.

"Oh my god," Preston whimpered, his face pale. "It's him. It's really him. In the flesh."

Ava rolled her eyes, shoving at Preston's shoulder. "Dude, chill. He's just a person, not a god."

"Easy for you to say," Preston hissed, his eyes never leaving Chris's form. "You're dating Taylor fucking Swift. I'm just a peasant to him."

Taylor, who had been watching the exchange with amusement, suddenly straightened, a determined glint in her eye. "Not on my watch," she declared, grabbing Preston's hand. "Come on, Pres. We're going to say hi."

Preston's eyes nearly bugged out of his head, his feet dragging as Taylor pulled him along. "What? No, I can't. I'll make a fool of myself!"

But Taylor was unmoved, her grip on Preston's hand firm as she marched them toward the VIP section. With a flash of her smile and a few murmured words to the bouncer, they were waved inside, Preston stumbling along behind her.

"Chris!" Taylor called out, waving to him. "Nice seeing you here!"

Chris looked up, a grin spreading across his face as he recognized Taylor. "Taylor Swift, as I live and breathe," he said, standing to pull her into a warm hug. "What are you doing here?"

Taylor laughed, gesturing to Preston who was standing shell-shocked beside her. "Oh, you know. Just out celebrating with friends. Speaking of which, have you met Preston? He's a huge fan."

Preston made a strangled noise, his face flushing a deep red as Chris turned his attention to him. "Uh, hi," he managed, his voice cracking slightly. "I'm Preston. Big fan. Huge, really."

Chris chuckled, reaching out to shake Preston's hand. "Always nice to meet a fan," he said warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You having a good night?"

Preston nodded mutely, his eyes glazed and starstruck. Taylor jumped in to fill the silence.

"You know, Chris, Preston here is a musician too," she said, giving Preston a subtle nudge. "He's incredibly talented. You should hear him play sometime."

Chris's eyebrows raised, a look of interest crossing his face. "Is that so? Well, Preston, you'll have to show me what you've got."

Preston made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a whimper, but he managed a jerky nod. "Y-yeah. Yeah, that would be... wow. Um. Yes, please."

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