Chapter 1

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Another late night, another late shift for Park Seonghwa. Looking through papers with all kind of names,mental ilnesses and more. He loved his job, he loved people and he clearly loved helping them heal. But he also hated it, when he had to look through the patients files that left the Serenity Asylum , the patients he helped recover and heal, yet he couldn't understand how after being healed,they committed suicide and took there own life. Working as a psychologist was a good job, but it wasn't for the weak. His job payed his taxes,gave him hot meals and more, it gave him a luxurious life,yes,but at what cost when you're considered the "villain in the story" and also when the people you helped, decided to live some more months and then just to take there own life. And didn't happen one time or two times, it happened quite a lot of times, he arrived at every funeral, even though he didn't have to, he did it, human morality. Almost at every funeral he was the one to blame "you killed my poor child" or "you made them like this, you're a monster!" or even worse "you were supposed to be in the grave, not my child!" he never replied to any of those comments,knowing that those people said that because they couldn't control their grief over the lost loved one. Though sometimes, deep down in his heart, there was a slight feeling that maybe, he did deserve that, at some funerals he wasn't judged or there weren't coming any insults to his address, but praises "thank you for helping them." or "thank you, you did what you could and we're grateful for that" it didn't happen that much, but he appreciated it.
Now Park Seonghwa was staying in his office, his head already hurting and his eyes feeling heavy, but he had to read more, he had to try understand every case...Until his phone buzzed,it was his "son".

Well not exactly "his son" ,i mean yes, he raised him and he became his parent figure,he had just adopted him 7 years ago,when Seonghwa was freshly 18 and Yeosang was 14.Since then,Seonghwa had to share his time with Yeosang studies and his own. He had to help Yeosang in school, while he was studying for his own future, sometimes, when he was low on money, he would make sure that Yeosang was alright and had everything he needed, sometimes Seonghwa gave up on his own meal just to make sure Yeosang was eating healthy and getting all the nutrients he needed growing up.Now you may be wondering how they met, well, when Seonghwa was 14 years old he found a little boy on the street, crying and trembling, it was a snowy afternoon and the little boy only had some short pants and a shirt on.Seonghwa gave the little Yeosang his hoodie and went with him to the first orphanage he found and for 3 years, Seonghwa visited Yeosang every day, until he finally adopted him, and since that day of autumn, October 28, Park Seonghwa became the parent figure to Kang Yeosang.

"Yeah, Yeosang? What is it?"

"I wanted to tell you that i'm going home"

"Weren't you sleeping over at Yeonjun?"

"I was supposed to, but his little girlfriend came over and i left"

"Okay, take care and don't talk to strangers, just ignore them"

"Yes Hwa..You always tell me this"

"Of course, I do, I want you to be safe"

"By the way.."


"How long are you staying?"

"I'll stay like more 30 mins or less, you don't have to wait for me"

"Okay, i'll still wait for you, i'll cook something real quick"

"Fine, but you don't have to."

"I know, I just want to, bye hwa" Yeosang said as he ended the call

After Yeosang ended the call with Seonghwa, 10 minutes later, while Seonghwa was in his office still reading through cases and pages, his phone started calling again, he thought it was Yeosang, but no, the screen said "no caller id", at first he was hesitant with picking up the call, but finally he did it.

"Hello, you have called to Serenity Asylum, how may I help you?"

"....." through the phone you could hear a huffing

"Sir or ma'am if you are saying anything I don't hear you and if this is a twisted joke, i'll gladly end the call, so how may i help you?"

"Hello." A man with a deep voice finally said

"Hello, sir. What problem do you have?"

"I don't have any problems, just got some questions."

"Oh sure, go on."

"Do you have a lover?"

"Excuse me?"

"So you got a boyfriend?"

By now Seonghwa really thought this call was a joke, so he decided to play along, what could even happen..He thought.

"Why you wanna me ask me out on a date?"

"Maybe...Do you have a boyfriend?"


"You never told me your name."

"Why do you wanna know my name..?"

"I wanna know who I'm lookin' at." The man on the other line said after ending the call

Seonghwa's hand  started shaking and his breathing suddenly stopped. The phone fell from his hand, hitting the concrete floor in his office, with a loud noise. He felt watched,no...HE WAS WATCHED. And from where? From the 10 story abandoned building, which most believed was a hotel before it was abandoned. He turned to look at it, through the open window across the weirdly quiet street which separated them and at the top of the abandoned building in the only room where the light was on, he swore he saw a man smiling and waving towards him. He blinked and then looked again nothing...Nothing caught his eye. He thought maybe..It was only in his mind, his mind playing games on him, so he decided it's better if he leaves his office and he goes home. It was maybe too late already.

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