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Michael's POV

The next week, things were going good. Calum was able to play again and my birthday was in 10 days. Arden's was also coming up, in about 3 weeks on December 1st.

Tonight we were playing Yankee Stadium and then we had some time off because in a week we were playing Madison Square Garden, the day after my birthday actually. Then the One Direction guys move on and we stay another week to play Jingle Ball.

I was currently waiting backstage with my guitar to go on stage. Arden was trying to teach me a new handshake sorta game thing but I kept messing up.

"Wait- what- no!" I laughed as I messed up.

"You aren't very good at this Mikey," she giggles.

"Hey!" I say, pretending to be offended.

There was a loud crash as someone knocked over some equipment boxes. Arden practically jumped up two feet from the noise and grabbed onto my shirt.

"Hey you're ok. I promise," I whisper to her and rub her back a little as she nods.

She was going to respond but got cut off by the stage director, "You guys are on in two!" He says.

We nod and I turn back to Arden, "Ok remember, you can watch from the side of the stage but you have to stay with Dave," I tell her. I trusted him to take care of Arden who had politely ask me earlier to see the show from the side of the stage.

"Ok. Love you!" She says and I almost couldn't hear her soft voice over the screams that were building.

"Love you too Princess!" I shout and give her a kiss on the cheek before making my way on to stage.

"HELLLOOOO NEW YOOORRKKK!!" Luke screamed and we kicked off our set.


Everything was going good. We were at the end of our set and I looked over at Arden, as I had been doing the whole night. This time however, I saw a man and woman, wearing suits, approaching Arden and Dave.

I furrowed my eyebrows, who were they? We were halfway through the last song. I didn't want to look too distracted but my baby sister was more important.

I looked over once more and the man and woman were pointing at Arden but Dave was shaking his head and moved an arm around Arden.

Arden looked over at me and we made eye contact. She looked scared and I started to freak out a little.

We were doing the last chorus when I saw the lady grab Arden and try to pull her away from Dave.

Our set ended there and the lights turned off. We all ran off stage and I went immediately to Arden.

"HEY! What's going on?!" I yell and grab Arden from the lady's grip. I place her on my hip and she buries her head into my neck.

The two people show me badges, "We are from Child Protective Services and we are here to remove Arden Sophia Clifford from the care of Michael Gordon Clifford," she states in a monotone voice.

My eyes widen, "WHAT?! N-no! Why?" I yell and tighten my grip on Arden.

The boys had arrived and were listening to the conversation. "Let's go to a more private room," the man states.

They start to walk off and I turn to look at the guys with a terrified expression, "G-guys... What-?"

I couldn't form sentences and my hands were beginning to shake. The boys noticed, "Michael don't worry. I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding," Ashton assured me.

I nod, not totally convinced and set Arden on the ground. She looks terrified as well but I grab her hand and we all follow the two CPS workers into our dressing room.

"Ok so... What is going on?" I ask the two workers as we enter the room.

"Mr. Clifford, were you aware that Arden was not legally adopted by you?" The man asked.

"WHAT?!" I asked in disbelief, "What are you talking about?"

"You see Mr. Clifford, for the first few months, the child is in your care as a foster child, you as the foster parent... Or guardian. During these few months, you must receive check ups in order to prove to the child care system that you are fit to take care of the child. Then, after 3 check ups you may go to court and legally adopt," the woman informed me.

"Why was I not told any of this when I took her into my care? Child services told me that I had adopted her!" I say, becoming angry.

"I'm sorry sir, but we cannot do anything about that now. Right now, Arden must be removed from your care and be put into a foster home back in London until you fight this in court or leave the case and let someone else take her in," the man told me.

I started to shake, anger and fear filling me, "N-no! You can't do that!" I say and Arden wraps her arms around my leg. I put my hand on her head, still trying to process what was happening. The boys were all in shock, standing beside me.

"I'm afraid we can sir. It's the law," the lady spoke and I felt Arden removed from my side. I turned and was immediately met by a CPS security guard shoving me and the boys back.

I tried to get around him, "HEY! HEY! STOP!" I shout.

The boys all tried to fight but each of us had a bodyguard on us, "MIKEY!" Arden screams and I hear her cry.

I stand up to try and see over the body guards shoulder. By now I'm a crying mess, "ARDEN! NO! STOP!" I shout as I see one of the bodyguards carry her towards the door.

She is sobbing uncontrollably and so am I, "LET ME SAY GOODBYE! YOU HAVE TO LET ME SAY GOODBYE!" I scream at the top of lungs.

The body guards agree, "you have 2 minutes."

I break through the body guards and the other sets Arden down. I drop to my knees as she runs into my arms. I cry and cry and cry and so does she. I hold her so tightly in my arms. Her body was shaking, possibly on the verge of a panic attack, and to think they were taking her away like this....killed me.

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