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Michael's POV

We finished up our shows in Florida and now we were getting ready to get on the road to head to Atlanta. Everyone was finishing packing our suitcases so that we could move them onto the bus. Ashton, Arden, and I went down in the elevator and out to the back where 3 buses were waiting; the 1D bus, the bus for the crew, and then our bus. We walked onto our bus and chose our beds. Ash, Arden, and Luke all got top bunks while Calum and I got the bottom bunks.

Everyone got their luggage loaded onto the bus and we were ready to get going. The 5 of us sat in the back lounge watching a documentary on elephants because that was the only thing on, "This is boring." Arden stated pretty much what everyone was thinking.

"Yeah" Calum nodded his head in agreement. Arden had finished extra lessons for school last night so that she could have some free time today, but it didn't really seem to do her any good since we were currently bored. "We could prank call?" Luke suggested.


"Board game?" Ashton asked.


Everyone just began spitting out ideas

"Let's just get out guitars and write a song" I said in a bored tone, not really serious. "That's... Not a bad idea actually" Ash said. So Luke, Calum, and I grabbed the guitars from the front of the bus. When we got back, Arden had already distracted herself with Legos and Ash had gotten his drum pad out. We sat down and began tuning the guitars. I was about to start playing a song when Calum nudged me. I looked over at him and he just nodded his head towards Arden. All of us boys got quiet as we listened to her hum, after a few seconds I realized she was humming Amnesia.

"Do you like that song Arden?" I asked her. She turned and saw all of us staring. She blushed and nodded, "I heard Luke singing it earlier and it got stuck in my head." We all laughed and then we played the song for her.

We continued messing around on our guitars until we looked at the clock and realized that it was one in the morning and we still had about 10 hours to go on this bus so we decided to get some sleep. We all hopped in bed and attempted to sleep on this moving bus, which is always hard the first night.


I woke up and saw that Ashton had already gotten up. I looked across from me and saw that Arden was still asleep along with the rest of the boys. I pulled out my phone to see that it was 6 am...way too early. I opened my twitter app and scrolled through for a little while. I looked across and saw that Arden was starting to wake up. She opened her eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. She looked over and spotted me.

I smiled, "Good Morning."

She smiled back, "Good morning" she said with her little voice. She shivered a little and cuddled further into her blankets.

"Are you cold?" I asked her. She just nodded in response.

"Come give me a cuddle then!" I whisper-yelled. She giggled and hopped down from her bunk and walked closer to mine. I reached down and lifted her up. I pulled back my blanket so she could crawl under. I wrapped my arms around her and she cuddled closer to me. "You can go back to sleep if you want" I told her.

"Ok, night night Mikey!" She whispered..

"Night night" I smiled and the two of us drifted back to sleep.

*9 am*

I woke up again and saw that Calum was now out of bed. I checked my phone and decided to probably get up. Arden was still asleep so I carefully hopped out of the bunk and walked into the little lounge. Ashton was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone and Calum was sitting at the table eating fruit.

"Good morning!" Ashton cheered. I shot him a tired smile, "Morning" I replied. I sat next to Calum and stole a piece of his fruit. "Heeyyyy!" He dragged out while giving me a pouty face. I returned the face. He rolled his eyes and pushed the bowl a little closer to me. I shot him a smile and the two of us sat in silence, just eating fruit.

Luke came in and seeing him dressed for the day, made me realize that I also needed to change. I grabbed some clothes and really fast. I packed up the rest of my stuff in my backpack and decided to wake Arden up. I walked to my bunk and pulled back the curtain a little more. Whimpers were escaping Arden's mouth and tears were running down her face. Great. Another nightmare.

"Arden!" I said while shaking lightly. She shot up fast and was breathing heavily. I hopped up onto the bunk and brought her into my arms, "It's ok. You're ok. It was just a dream." I whispered to her while rubbing her back. She clung to me and we sat there for a few minutes. I pulled back a little bit and wiped the tears off her face, "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her, but she shook her head no.

"Ok well I think we are almost to the arena so let's get you dressed." I helped her into a pair of leggings and one of my shirts because I was too lazy to get her all dressed up. I put her on my hip and walked out to the lounge where the boys greeted us.

I poured the two of us some cereal and we sat across from Calum and Luke who were still eating fruit. Ash got up and poured some cereal for himself and joined us at the table. It was silent as we all just sat and ate our breakfast until we heard a loud pop and started to feel the bus slow down.

"What was that?" Calum asked, looking at us confused. I shrugged and looked towards the front of the bus to try and look at the driver. I saw him talking on the phone. When he hung up, he got up and walked over to us, "Hey guys we popped a tire and it's going to be a while before we can fix it."

All of us groaned.

"The good news is that you five are going to ride on the One Direction bus for the last hour and a half of the drive. So you guys can grab your backpacks and head on over. Management will kill all of us if you guys don't show up to sound check on time." He chuckles.

All of us packed away our electronics and headed out of the bus. Our sound crew was already moving the guitars and stuff to the other bus. Luke grabbed Arden's hand and helped her up the big step of the tour bus. We walked in and I couldn't help but laugh.

Niall and Louis were sitting on top of Harry and yelling crazy things at him while Liam and Zayn were throwing marshmallows at each other. They all looked up when they heard us laugh and stopped what they were doing. There was an awkward silence until they started laughing as well.

"How's it going guys?" Liam asked us.

"Pretty good. What's going on with you guys? Why all the fighting and yelling?" Ash laughed.

"Well basically," Niall started, "Louis, Harry, and I were going to play a board game but HARRY had to go and hide the one that Louis and I wanted to play. So we were sitting on him until he told us. Liam and Zayn on the other hand were fighting over which movie to watch." We all nodded, deciding not to question their weirdness.

We all kind of broke off. Luke and Arden went to go play a board game with Niall, Harry, and Louis while Calum, Ash, and I went to watched Anchorman (Yes they finally decided on a movie).

A little while later we pulled up to the arena. We looked out the windows and were shocked. More fans than I have ever seen at once were gathered around. Security came in, "Ok guys. It's insane out there. We already have multiple police officers clearing the way so no stopping for pictures or anything. We have to move quickly."

We all nodded and got ready to get out. I grabbed Arden's hand. Ashton went before us and Calum went after us so that Arden would be safer. Luke went before Ashton with the 1D boys before him.

We all went out one by one, the screams getting even louder as we came into sight. When Arden and I walked out, I had a bad feeling. This crowd was like none other we had faced before. I held Arden's hand tightly, but when we were about halfway to the door, I feel her tug the other way. I looked down at her and she was looking back, yelling Calum's name.

"Arden!" I said loud enough so she could hear me. She looked up at me with worry filled eyes, "We have to go help him!"

A/N Hiffclanger..... wait no... Cliffhanger!


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