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Arden's POV

"Arden it's time to get up! It's Saturday which means families are coming today!"

Ms. Olivia pulled the blankets off of me, causing the cold air to hit me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before looking at her. She smiled, "Let's go take a bath little one!"

She held out her hand for me and I grabbed a hold of it. She helped me off of the bed and into the bathroom where she already had the bath running. I got in and she helped me to wash my hair and body. Once I was finished, she helped me into a dress and a sweater to go over.

"Go put on your shoes while I get the other kids ready!" She instructed me. I nodded and ran back to my room where some of the older girls were getting ready. I grabbed my black converse from underneath my bed and slipped them on.

I grabbed my brush and tried to run it through my hair. Christine, one of the older girls, must have noticed that it was hard for me because she walked over and squatted down to be eye level with me, "Do you need some help?"

I nodded, "Yes, please."

She gently took the brush from my hands and brushed through my hair. She then put it into 2 long braids, "Thank you!" I smiled.

She returned the smile, "You're welcome!"

"ALL CHILDREN DOWNSTAIRS!" We heard Ms. Olivia yell.

All of us kids made our way downstairs and got into a line in front of her, "You all have been here long enough and know the drill. Please be on your best behavior."

She turned around and opened the door to allow families in. It's always weird when they first come in because they don't know who to talk to, but it gets better as more people come. Families seem to look at us and watch us before they come and ask the kids to talk. They always go for the really happy kids or the ones who talk a lot.

Over an hour passed and I sat on the floor because I was tired. I didn't sleep good last night because I was having nightmares. I was ready to go upstairs and play with the toys when I noticed a pair of feet stop in front of me. I looked up to find a very pretty girl. She didn't look old enough to want to be a mommy though.

She surprised me when she sat on her bottom right in front of me, "Well aren't you a very pretty little girl!" She smiled.

I felt my cheeks get warm as I smiled back, "Thank you," I practically whispered.

"What's your name sweetie?" She asked.


"Pretty name for a pretty girl! My name is Grace!" Grace said cheerfully.

"Your name is pretty too," I tell her shyly with a smile.

"Thank you, sweetie! Do you mind if I ask how old you are?"

"I'm 7."

"Ah, 7 is a fun age. I'm old now, I'm 19!" She smiles.

"Are you here to adopt?" I ask, now curious.

"I don't know. I study social services at school and I love kids so I thought about coming here with an open mind and talk to all of the kids here, but I like talking to just you!"

I nod, slightly confused about her talk of the social stuff. Grace continues to ask me questions and I answer them for her. We talk until Ms. Olivia gives us the warning that she has to leave soon.

"I'll come back to talk to you tomorrow, ok?" Grace tells me before standing up. I nod and stand up as well before being engulfed in a hug. I was surprised but I hugged back, "Bye Arden!" She called before heading out.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I whispered, "Bye Grace," not caring that she was already out the door.

"Ok! Time for chores!" Ms. Olivia called.

I sighed and turned, ready for whatever she had for me but mostly ready for tomorrow when I could see Grace again.  

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