The Day of the Birthday - Part 1

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(Bluey POV)
Well. Bingo's in a cast. The doctors said it was really, really bad and it'll take a year to heal. (Quick Author's Note — It is pretty much impossible to get a broken bone that'll take a year to heal. But, this book will be between when Bingo gets the injury and when it heals, so just a heads up, so again it's just for the story.) I fell like it's my fault.

Bingo is pretty much ignoring the arm. She was more focused on the party. On that note, Bingo didn't tell me who was coming to the party until I saw the cars pull up. The first one there came a hour  before the party was supposed to start. To no one's surprise, it was Lila. The next 2 people came 30 mins before the party. Jack's car came with Rusty's not too far behind.

Then I saw whose car came next. The person jumped out and gave me a hug. "'Sup Blue-Berry!" said Mackenzie. "Hey, Kenz!" Ok. I'm gonna come clean. I have had a big crush on Mackenzie since we first met in Primary. I'm not sure about him, though. Throughout the party, we hardly left each other's side, except when he found out we had Cricket.
(Bingo POV)
Welp, I see my plan worked. Well, one of them. Y'see, my grand plan was to get Mackenzie to confess to Bluey, and Bluey to accept. Mackenzie already told me that he had feelings for Bluey when Me, Lila, Jack, and Rusty played spin the bottle at Bluey's last birthday party. And was as easy to read Bluey as Bob Bilby's Photo Book. She had feelings for him to- "Bingo, can walk with me for a bit?" Huh? Rusty? Ok..? A few minutes into the walk, he said something.
"Bingo, I think I'm bi."
"Uhm... wow. I thought you were down for Indy."
"Well, I am. But..."
"Yeah. He's... he's so hard on himself for not being able to pay attention, but he's... perfect in my eyes. Me and Indy stopped talking a while back. I may just be gay..."
"That's fine I could say the same for you."
"What do you mean?"
"You're hard on yourself because your dad leaves all the time. You think it's your fault."
He seemed taken aback. Then he said, "What are you, a psychic?"
"No, you're just easy to read"
He scoffed. When we arrived back home Jack was in the front yard zoning out I ran to Jack. "Rusty has something to tell you!" I said, maybe a little too loud. "W-well ok" Rusty finally caught up. Jack stood up. "Well, y'see""Rustyihavehadacrushonyouforalongtimeandijustthoughtyoushouldknowdontgetmadatmepleeeeease!" "Uh..." "You hate me, don't you?" "I..." Rusty then hugged Jack. Jack hugged back fiercely. They then pulled away and made many awkward at holding hands but eventually they did it. I high fived myself as I walked back to the party, knowing I did a good deed today. Nice one, Bingo.
Word Count ——— 496 excluding POVs
Authors Note ——— None for this chapter. If you guys have any stuff you wanna see in the future, comment on this paragraph.
Anyways, see you guys tomorrow!

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