I Care

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"You're such a fucking loser Newt! What kind of name is that anyways?" The boy cackles and pushes his forearm against Newt's chest harder, pinning him to the locker.

"Gally maybe you're being a little hard on him," his friend says, but not at all sincerely, he says it in a mocking tone, trying to sound like a baby. "Maybe he's just lonely because he can't find another boy to fuck around with." The three boys laugh and Newt winces as Gally's arm is pushed harder against him, making it difficult to breathe.

"What are you gunna do Newt?" He spits out his name like it leaves a foul taste in his mouth. "Huh? You gunna cry? Cry for us Newt. Cry!" Gally shouts right in his face, he rears back his other arm with a fist, Newt squeezes his eyes shut and waits for the horrible blow. But it doesn't come.

"Hey!" A voice shouts from down the hall. The constriction on his chest releases and air floods in his lungs. "Shit lets go!" The three boys scamper off. A look down the hall shows that a teacher has stumbled upon the situation. Leaning down Newt places his hands on his knees and breathes heavily for a moment.

"Are you okay? Maybe I should take you to the nurse then the principal's office to talk about this with those boys?" She asks, stepping closer to him.

"No! I'm fine!" He coughs. Before the teacher can speak again he rushes down the hallway. He rounds the corner and slows down just a bit, he walks until he finds the door he's looking for.

Pushing open the door Newt enters the old boys bathroom that nobody has used in two years, nobody except for him.

After the door closes he walks over to the sink and rests his palms flat against the cold marble. He looks in the mirror at his red splotchy face.

"You're a fucking loser Newt," his voice is laced with poison as he repeats what Gally had said to him. Maybe Gally wasn't so wrong.

Newt feels tears prickling his eyes. No! Not here! Not at school! Blinking rapidly to make them go away doesn't seem to work. A single tear rolls down his cheek. The blond reaches up to wipe it away when the door swings open again. He gasps and freezes, has Gally and his friends come back? Is it that teacher again?

Newt stares wide eyed as a brunette boy walks in.

The boy looks around and notices that the bathroom doesn't look quite right, most of the stall doors are either gone or broken beyond repair, the lights are dim and they flicker, something disgusting has stained all the walls. Then his eyes land on Newt.

"Is this the only- hey, are you okay?"

Newt snaps back to reality after the shock of seeing the boy and remembers that he has tears on his cheeks. He quickly wipes them away and turns his back to the boy.

"This bathroom is closed," he says.

"Yeah I got that...no really, are you okay?" Newt flinches when he feels a hand on his shoulder.

Newt squeezes his eyes shut, mentally cursing himself when another tear slips from his eyes.

"I'm fine!" Newt says rather harshly, his voice scratchy from the lack of air moments ago and now the crying.

"Why are you crying?" The boy asks softly, his hand still on Newt's shoulder.

"Just leave me alone! Please!" Newt begs him, sounding horribly desperate.

The brunette takes his hand off Newt's shoulder and the blond hears footsteps. But the boy wasn't leaving, he steps around Newt so they're face to face.

"Tell me what's wrong," he says in a gentle tone. Newt looks up at the boy and sees a look of sadness on his face. Why would he be sad? Why does he care about Newt?

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