Mascot A

21 1 0


Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Mascot: The Jester

Real Name: Kira Petrova

Age: 25

Containment Difficulty: Easy

Country Of Origin: Russia

Origin: Kira was a young woman who got a job as an intern at the C&A game studio and was one of the test subject for the Amazing Digital Circus becoming the character known as Pomni within the digital world.

Personality: her personality is nervous and timid, as it's actually relatable to people who are nervous. she has a tendency to suffer from horrible panic attacks when scared, nervures, or sad. however she is also quite compassionate and sympathetic with those she cares about such as experiment-1002 and experiment-1008 however she is also quite rude towards those who she has a hatred for such as Experiment-1003.

First Awakening: When experiment-1001 first awakened in the real world was expected...and went...terribly. You see the doctor working on experiment-1001 failed to properly connect the eyes, ears, and vocal cords to her nervous system. this caused her to come out Mute, Blind, and Death. she began to flail around in a panic and motioned her mouth in an attempt to scream however it is unknown if she was aware she wasn't making any noise.

Second Awakening: When experiment-1001 awoke after her second surgery there was a massive improvement as it restored her hearing and ability to speak however she remained blind and proceeded to stumble around her containment cell for the next few hours until the scientists where able to finally give her another surgery.

Third Awakening: unfortunately the anesthetics that where being used on Experiment-1001 wore off causing her to awaken mid surgery. she began to scream in pain for some reason. however due to budget cuts we where prohibited from giving her more anesthetics so the scientists proceeded to continue The Jesters surgery with her being wide awake. the experiment proceeded to quite inconsiderately thrash around in pain causing our poor scientist a lot of trouble during the surgery. luckily the surgery was a success and her eyesight was restored however due to her problematic behavior she was promptly punished though an incredibly painful session of electro shock therapy which lasted 6 hours left her vomiting blood for the next 2 hours.

Room: The Jester room where she interacts with the children who pay for tours around the C&A facility's. this room is located on the top floor and has a large comfy bed, bright blue and red wall paper, toy blocks, art supplies, and stuffed animals based of Exparaments-1002 & 1003 which she has high up on a shelf.

Cell: The Jesters cell is located on the lower level along with all the other mascots cells. her cell is pretty much empty aside from a dog bed that one of the security guards provided her out of pity(said security guard was promptly fired for this don't worry)

Incident A: The Jester was once caught trying to escape along side experiments 1002 and 1008 luckily they where captured and where sent to be punished through 10 hours of electro each which nearly killed all three of the mascots.

Incident B: The Jester has developed a nasty habit of sneaking out of her cell. it has been discovered that whenever The Jester disappears she is usually in experiment-1002's cell. whenever Security Personnel enter 1002's cell they usually see 1001 and 1002 cuddling up with each other. the security personnel have been not only allowed to but actively told to remove The Jester in the most panful way possible as a way to detour this behavior.

I hop that this file will help you in your work with Experiment-1001 A.K.A. The Jester. Sincerely Doctor Cain Jones 

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