Mascot B

4 0 0


Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Mascot: The Rag Doll

Real Name: Agatha Cambell

Age: 30

Containment Difficulty: Easy

Country Of Origin: Canada

Origin: Agatha was a Canadian woman who got a job testing the amazing digital circus at C&A to provide for her two younger siblings after her parents died in a car crash. however, like all the others she was permanently trapped within the Digital Circus ironically forgetting about her younger siblings (who are most likely living either on the streets or in an orphanage without her) in the process.

Personality: experiment 1002 is mostly positive and constantly happy, she is also rather motherly towards the children who come to the factory to see her and her fellow experiments even experiment-1003 who she treats like a tumbled teenager.

First Awakening: upon first awakening she was quite pleased and due to past experience, she was not left blind, mute or deft like experiment 1001. The Rag Doll was quite friendly and polite when interacting with our security guards and scientists and was also quite pleased to meet experiment 1001 upon the two's reintroduction outside of the digital world.

Room: The room she inhabits when children come to visit her has an interior that resembles a doll house with the following items inside a piano (which she plays for the children who pay to see her), a few books shelfs with books, a sewing machine, a dresser filled with varies dresses, and plushies made in the image of the other experiments.

Cell: Experiment 1002's cell is a standard for any humanoid with a bed, chair, a toilet, a sink, and a mirror.

Incident A: as mentioned in Experiment 1001's file she attempted to escape alongside experiments 1001 and 1008 but where luckily discovered and their escape attempt was thoughted

Incident B: once when our security guards went in to remove experiment 1001 from 1002's cell however when the guard shocked 1001, 1002 proceeded to get aggressive towards the guard resulting in the guard Lilly Carswell death. ever since 1002 has been uncooperative with our staff.

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