Intro (Short)

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Princess Twilight Sparkle woke up with a headache in her mind. A groan of drowsiness escaped her lips.

She finally stood up to realize where she was. A dark abyss that reach miles upon miles was the only thing she could see so far.

Well, that and her friends, as well as the Alicorn sisters who woke up with just as much grogginess and noticed their surroundings.

Twilight: Where are we ?

Pinkie Pie: Hello ?

The abyss echoes back Pinkie's call making her giggle and start yelling out. However Rainbow Dash flies in and shoves her hoof into Pinkie's mouth  hole.

Spike: What is this place ?

Suddenly a ring of torches lit up slightly scaring the mares and baby dragon. The Alicorn sisters tensed up and stepped in front of the group in case of an attack.

A human jumped into the small ring as he started to do a small rhythmic dance with an odd cloak on his face and a wooden stick.

Twilight's eyes widened realizing what it was.

Twilight: A human ?

Applejack: Yah know what this thing is, Twi ?

Spike: Yeah, so do I, it's the species of creatures that came from the mirror dimension when Sunset tried to steal the elements of Harmony.

Rarity: Hm, I must say their choice of fashion is quite.......unique.

A voice echoed out through the darkness.

Voice: Illuminated by firelight, a spiritual dance begins. Within the blaze turns a courage tempted by battle

Ponies: Battle ?

The man  continued to dance in an odd way, swinging his stick as if it was a sword and he was fighting.

Voice: In this confligation, bonds between warriors are forged. They crystalize into the pillars of today.

The fire on the torches suddenly becomes stronger making a loud booming sound as the ponies gasp at the shock.

Voice: Pillars with strength to slay demons!

Ponies: Demons ?!

Voice: Even so.....the fires of conflict rages on. Humans against demons.

Pinkie Pie: Why are they so mad with  each other ? Maybe if I make a get along party the humans and the demons will be friends with each other.

Twilight: Pinkie, I'm not sure that's a good idea, we have no idea what these demons are.

The human jumps away just as the fires die out and piece of paper fly towards Twilight Sparkle. The youngest Alicorn picks it up warily and starts to read from it.

Twilight: Hello, Ponies. As I'm sure you are aware, you are in a realm different from your own. No one will be able to save you and you will not be able to get out unless I says so.

Luna: Sister, do you think this is of Discord's work ?

Celestia: I'm not sure, Lu Lu. Twilight, keep reading.

Twilight: Now I know you must think I am some malevolent being who wishes to wreak havoc among all ponies or steal your magic. But that is not true. I merely wish to see you educated in my world.

That last part caught everypony's attention. It was clear this may not be Discord as they originally thought.

Twilight: As for Equestria and it's residents, do not fret. This realm you are in does not obey the same laws of time as yours do. In here 5 years will only last 5 seconds. Once we are finished, you will be gone to your home where everything is back to normal.

The elements and the princesses breath a sigh of relief knowing nothing would be affected if they choose to stay here.

Twilight: Choosing to not participate is not an option. The only way of escape is by listening to me and doing as I say.

Rainbow Dash: We're not really going to listen to this guy right ? I mean we got the Alicorn sisters with us. Just blow a hole through whatever we are and let's get the hay out of here!

Celestia: It's not as simple as that, Rainbow dash. If this being has enough poqer to conjure a world like this where time means nothing, what else xan it do I wonder.

Applejack: In other words, we're at thos thing's mercy ?!

Luna: As long as we follow what it ask, we shall all be fine. ALL RIGHT, YOU. WE ACVEPT TO YOUR TERMS. DO WHAT YOU MUST.

A few seconds pass by when Luna said that when suddenly the dark surrondings shifted into a more light area.

Next to the ponies were a group of foldable chairs infront of a large screen.

Excited as always, pinkie plopped into one of tje seats and somehow pulled out a bucket of popcorn from her hair and started to eat it.

The Mane six sat in the front row with Spike sitting in betqeen Twilight and Rarity. The sight of his crush made thw baby dragon blush deeply.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

Rainbow dash and Applejack sat beside Pinkie and Fluttershy as the two Princessed watched the mares and dragon from the third row seat.

Pinkiw: Shh guys it's starting !

Everyone looked to the screen with a confused, wary and a curious eye as the  screen started to play.

An asdortment of letters and awhite and red symbol appeared on screen with only two words.

Demon Slayer.

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