My own Steel part 2

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In the late afternoon. Tanjiro struggles to walk, alone on a path through a rice field.

Tanjiro: (Thoughts) I was so naive. I couldn't even have a talk with a demon. All they did was attack me and try to kill me right away.

Rainbow: All those blockheads could do was growl and snarl, I don't think they could answer the simplest question you could throw at them.

Tanjiro: Sorry, Nezuko. I never got to ask them... how to turn a demon back into a human.

He tumbles to the ground making the ponies worried for his health.

Tanjiro: (Thoughts) Even my uniform is heavy. I wanna get home as soon as possible, but my whole body hurts.

Shining Armor winced. He's trained hard before. Honestly, he trained harder than any other pony in the royal guards.

Yet even then, he never trained (Or been in a fight) so hard that it felt like his uniform was heavy. The worst he's ever experienced was his muscles giving out.

Slowly, Tanjiro gets back up and continues on. However he was so injured and slow that it took him till night time until he finally reached Urokudaki's home.

Tanjiro: I made it...Nezuko... Mr. Urokodaki...

The door to Urokodaki's house is kicked down from the inside by none other than an awakened Nezuko Kamado.

To say the ponies were jump scared would be an understatement. The suddenly kick from Nezuko had caused Spike to scream a bit.

Nezuko comes walking out from the house, not even noticing Tanjiro's shocked face upon seeing her awake.

Tanjiro: Hey! Nezuko! You... You're awake!

Nezuko runs toward Tanjiro. Tanjiro starts running toward her as well but he could only do so much before falling flat on his face.

Cadence worried for Tanjiro's health. Being the Alicorn princess of love, Cadence knew nearly nothing about fighting.

And seeing as how humans were a species completely different from her's, she didn't knew if they could handle the same amount of pain as most ponies could.

For all she knew, humans were as easy to destroy as bugs and considering what Tanjiro has went through, it didn't sit well with the Alicorn that Tanjiro could just keel over and die so early in his journey.

Tanjiro tried to stand up but Nezuko went up to him first. She pulls him into a hug making both the ponies and Tanjiro well up in tears.

He begins to sob into her shoulder.

Tanjiro: Why... Why'd you fall asleep all of a sudden? Never waking up once! I was worried you were going to die, you know?!

Most of the ponies with close sibling relationships couldn't fathom the sadness within Tanjiro right now.

That hug they just watched was most likely the first time they'd ever hug since Nezuko went to sleep for what was said to be around two years.

And from Tanjiro's words, it seemed like he thought that Nezuko had died in her sleep making this reconciliation even more heartbreaking than it already is.

Urokodaki comes out of the house with a bunch of firewood. Upon seeing Tanjiro, he drops the firewood, walks toward the siblings, and hugs them both.

A few tears roll down his face, past his mask.

Sakonji: You came back alive.

In Urokodaki's house, later that night. Tanjirou and Urokodaki sit by a fire discussing the events of final selection.

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