Final Selection part 1

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The ponies cheered seeing Tanjiro defeat Sabito and slice the boulder in two.

He could finally enter final selection and become a Demon Slayer to eventually save his sister from her demonic ways.

The episode begins with a replay Tanjiro defeating Sabito. Cutting his mask in two and revealing Sabito's face.

Suddenly Tanjiro starts explaining how he succeded

Tanjiro: There's a reason I won...

Rainbow Dash: Yeah! Because you're awesome!

Tanjiro: It was because I learned to detect the scent of the opening thread. When I'm battling someone and I pick up this scent, then I can see the thread. The thread is connected from my blade to my opponent's opening, growing taut the instant I see it. My blade is drawn toward it with great force, and then I slash the opening.

Rainbow Dash: Oh........Yeah I don't get it.

Twilight:I think he's basically saying that he can smell an opening from his opponent ? Which doesn't make sense in the slightest.

In the forest. Tanjiro has cut the boulder in half successfully. Urokodaki walks toward him and stares at the boulder for an odd amount of time.

Tanjiro: Urokudaki.......

Sakonji: I had no intention of sending you to the Final Selection.

Everypony was taken aback by Sakonji's words revealing his intentions. Rainbow Dash, the most emotionally expressive of the mane six spoke first.

Rainbow Dash: What ?! What gives, geezer ?

Celestia: Relax, Rainbow, I'm sure he had a good reason for not doing so.

Sakonji: I didn't want to see children die anymore.

Celestia: I see.............

That line made Celestia, and everyone freeze a bit. For Sakonji to say that, there must have been so many protege's before Tanjiro for him to lose.

Twilight shivered a bit, wondering how many star pupils Celestia had as well, sure some of them must have went on to do great things but...........

What happened to the ones who didn't ?

Sakonji: I was sure you wouldn't be able to slice this boulder, but, Well done, my boy. Tanjirou, you're... a remarkable kid.

Luna: He really is.

Tanjiro tears up. Urokodaki hugs him.

Sakonji:Make sure you come back alive from the Final Selection. Both your sister and I will be waiting for you here.

At Urokodaki's hut. Urokodaki is preparing dinner with several fish based dishes.

Tanjiro: Wow... What's the occasion? There's so much.

Sakonji: You've completed all your training, so we're celebrating. Don't be shy. Eat up.

Tanjiro: Thank you very much!

Twilight: Not gonna lie, if I didn't know that was fish I'd probably say it's delicious.

As Tanjiro ate, Urokudaki was deep in thought.

Sakonji: (Thoughts) Tanjiro... there's nothing more I can do for you. From here on out, you'll be going through such hardship and strife. Your training will seem like nothing in comparison. So for now, at least, you should rest well without a care in the world.

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