Sabito and Makomo part 1

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After explaining everything to Shining Armour and Princess Cadence, the two married ponies walked to their new assigned seats and sat down.

Shining Armour: Are you sure we should trust whatever this thing is ? It could just be some form of distraction or something.

Twilight: Well, how long have we've been gone ?

Pinkie: Guys, shhhh. It's starting.

The scene opens on Tanjiro. Writing a note on a piece of paper as he looks over at his sleeping sister.

Cadence: So who's the demon sibling again ?

Twilight: Nezuko, the one with the stick in her muzzle.

Tanjiro closes his journal before turning off the small flame in his oil lamp and leaving the room.

He stares at Neuzko as his trainer behind him stands up.

Sakonji: Let's go.

Tanjiro nods before closing the door and the scene transitions to an odd symbol, at least in the pony's eyes. Urokudaki talks.

The ponies straight up in their seats as if they were in class learning about the demon slayer corps.

Sakonji: The demon slayer corps. We number in the hundreds. An organization unrecognized by the government. Yet, it has existed since ancient times, and we continue to hunt demons today. But as for who's leading the Demon Slayer Corps, that remains a mystery.

As he said spoke an army of Demon Slayer line up before a mountain as nine figures, shadowed for whatever reason, stood on top of it.

One of these figures was Giyuu Tomioka.

Rainbow Dash: So that Giyuu guy is one of the leaders ?

Twilight: I thought he was only just a member I didn't think he was that important to the slayers.

Shining: But why aren't they recognized by their government, surely their Prince or Princess should know about their existence.

The camera then shows a horned demon, quivering with blood all over it's body. The ponies cringe seeing it.

Sakonji: Demons. Staple food: humans! They kill humans and feed on them. No one knows when and where they first appeared. Their physical prowess is remarkable. Wounds heal in the blink of an eye. Flesh is restored after being hacked off, and limbs can be newly regenerated. Some demons can shapeshift. Others have otherworldly powers. 

Celestia closed her eyes deep in thought.

In her 1000 years of life she has fought and bested countless enemies and villains. She struggled for most, often nearly dying as a result.

However not once has she ever met an opponent who could heal in an instant. Granted her attacks never warranted limbs needing to be repaired but still.

What would she do if she had to meet an opponent who could continue after her even after multiple leather blows ?

Sakonji: They can only be killed by sunlight or by decapitation with a special sword.

Twilight:  So that's why that temple demon die when Nezuko kicked his head off. It has to be down with a special kind of sword.

Shining: I'm sorry she did what ?!

Sakonji: The Demon Slayers battle the demons with their own mortal bodies. Since they're human, their wounds are slow to heal, and, once lost, their limbs don't grow back! Even so, they battle the demons... to protect other humans.

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