Chapter 11

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Raven facility base Alpha in Europe

After successfully completing their mission taking care of of disarming the Warhead that had poison gas.

At the living quarters of Raven Base, Lupin was eating a salad however was thinking about everything that was happening so quickly.

Emi came in with a new Mission assignment for the team.

Lupin: so what exactly is the new Mission assignment..?

Emi: The mission assignment is from Murakumo Millenium..

Lupin: okay I guess you can brief us on the mission..


Recently, our transport blimps have been attacked one after another. We don't know what they want, but the blimp is always shot down so the target is probably not the payload.

Perhaps they are simply intending to interrupt our operations at someone's instigation. We could provide full-scale escorts, but this risks marring our reputation.

These incidents have not gotten out to the public, so we want you to ride secretly in the blimp and repulse the attacking group.

Note that we expect the battle to be fought on the blimp, so be careful not to fall.


12 Welkin


4 Gun batteries

Lupin: so exactly wants us to go on a blip and shoot down Ariel enemy forces..?

Sally: well I certainly seems that sounds about right..

Lupin: well we dealt with worse situations on missions..

Emi: That's right, Lupin. We need you to ride secretly in the blimp and repulse the attacking group. The enemy forces are expected to be aerial, so we recommend using your Armored Cores' flight capabilities to engage them.

Lupin: Understood, Emi. We'll gear up and prepare for the mission.

Sally: Roger that. Let's move out.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma make their way towards the blimp, they discuss their strategy for the mission.

Murakumo Captain: This is the captain speaking. Unidentified craft are approaching. I think it's them.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. The enemy forces are closing in. Let's take to the skies and engage them.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma take to the skies in their Armored Cores, they begin to engage the enemy forces. They use their flight capabilities and advanced weaponry to take down the Welkin's, clearing a path towards the blimp.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. I see the blimp. Let's protect it and repulse the enemy forces.

Sally: (on COMS) UnUnderstood.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

With Lupin, Sally, and Gamma's combined efforts, they manage to protect the blimp and repulse the enemy forces. They quickly board the blimp and prepare to head back to base.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. We've successfully repulsed the enemy forces. Let's head back to base and report our findings.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma return to base, they receive a debriefing from Emi and the Murakumo Captain.

Emi: (on COMS) Great job, Raven. You've successfully repulsed the enemy forces and protected the blimp. Your efforts have saved countless lives.

Murakumo Captain: (on COMS) Thank you, Raven. Your bravery and skill have been instrumental in protecting our operations.

Lupin: (on COMS) It was our pleasure, Captain. We'll be ready for our next mission.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma return to their quarters, they reflect on the mission and their teamwork. They know that they make a great team and are ready for whatever challenges come their way.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. Thanks for your help out there today. We make a great team.

Sally: (on COMS) You're welcome, Lupin. It's always a pleasure working with you.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

The team continues to train and prepare for their next mission, ready to take on whatever challenges come their way. With Lupin's leadership and the team's combined skills, they know that they can overcome any obstacle.

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