Chapter 13

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Raven facility base Alpha in Europe

After successfully completing their mission protecting the warehouse containing the new radar for ACs.

Lupin was sitting in the lounge area of Raven Base, enjoying a cup of coffee when Emi approached him with another mission assignment. 

Lupin: (sighs) another mission already?

Emi: Yes, Lupin. This one is from an Armored Core AC pilot: Boss Savage, Undersea Base Off Agrea Island..

Lupin: (eyebrow raise) Receiving a mission from an Armored Core pilot. How very interesting..


Wadj say youse helps me out wid a li'l job I'd taken. I tink I'm over my head on dis one.

Ya see, it's at the bottom a' da sea. Yeah, an abandoned undersea base northeast a' Agrea. I wuz supposed ta get rid a' all a' the guys who'd moved in.

Dey sez it wuz an easy job, so I takes it. But deez guys are weird. Ya take 'em down but dey keep comin' back. Nuttin' to do but get outa dere, but I can't just leave it.

Pay ya 35000 C for da job. Can't tell ya who I'm really workin' for. Look, I'm given' ya all I should a' been paid. All in advance.

Dis time its not just fer da money. I gots me a reputation to keep. Anyone who can fight'll do. I'll be waitin'.


40 Crusader

8 Cerberus


Boss Savage

Escape Pod

Lupin: (stands up) Alright, team. Let's move out and prepare for the mission.As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma make their way towards the location of Undersea Base Off Agrea Island, Until they were able to receive a radio transmission from Boss Savage. 

Boss Savage: This base is certain to have secrets. Split up into two groups and search.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. We've received a transmission from Boss Savage. Let's split up into two groups and search the base.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. Gamma and I will take the left side of the base.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma split up and search the base, they discover that the enemy forces are using advanced technology to repair themselves and continue fighting.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. The enemy forces are using advanced technology to repair themselves and continue fighting. We need to find a way to disable it.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. I'll use my Solaris Lynx's sensors to locate the source of the technology.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative. I'll provide cover fire and engage any enemy forces that get too close.

With Lupin, Sally, and Gamma's combined efforts, they manage to locate the source of the advanced technology and disable it. However, they soon realize that the enemy forces have activated a self-destruct mechanism that will destroy the entire base.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. The enemy forces have activated a self-destruct mechanism. We need to find a way to escape before the base is destroyed.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. I'll use my Solaris Lynx's sensors to locate an escape pod.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative. I'll provide cover fire and engage any enemy forces that get too close.

With Lupin, Sally, and Gamma's combined efforts, they manage to locate an escape pod and escape the base before it is destroyed. They quickly regroup and prepare to return to base.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. We've successfully completed the mission and escaped the base before it was destroyed. Let's head back to base and report our findings.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma return to base, they receive a debriefing from Emi and Boss Savage.

Emi: (on COMS) Great job, Raven. You've successfully completed the mission and prevented the enemy forces from taking over the base.

Boss Savage: (on COMS) Thanks, Raven. You've helped me out of a tight spot. I owe you one.

Lupin: (on COMS) It was our pleasure, Boss Savage. We'll be ready for our next mission.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma return to their quarters, they reflect on the mission and their teamwork. They know that they make a great team and are ready for whatever challenges come their way.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. Thanks for your help out there today. We make a great team.

Sally: (on COMS) You're welcome, Lupin. It's always a pleasure working with you.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

The team continues to train and prepare for their next mission, ready to take on whatever challenges come their way. With Lupin's leadership and the team's combined skills, they know that they can overcome any obstacle.

Lupin: (on COMS) Alright, team. Let's gear up and prepare for our next mission. We're going to be facing some tough challenges, but I know we can handle them.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. We're ready.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative. Let's move out.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma gear up for their next mission, they know that they can rely on each other's strengths and overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

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