Chapter 14

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Raven facility base Alpha in Europe

After successfully completing their mission at the Undersea Base Off Agrea Island, Lupin and the team were taking a much-needed break when Emi approached them with another mission assignment.

Emi: Lupin, we have a new mission for you. This one is from a private organization Chrome, about Space Station Kaede..

Lupin: (surprised) Wait, we're actually receiving a message from Chrome? I thought we were receiving missions from Murakumo Millennium..

Emi: I know this is the first time receiving a mission from Chrome, Let me brief you on the details on the mission.


We want you to break into the Space Station "Kaede" owned by Murakumo. Your goal is to destroy their new catapult.

This space station has been unmanned since the Great Destruction and was left in orbit, but Murakumo has made secret modifications, turning it into a space base.

We discovered that Murakumo has sent large amounts of materiel to the space station and the catapult appears to be used to send the materiel elsewhere.

We still don't know what they are up to. But still, it is in space. It may be too late if we wait until the full story is known.

Your space shuttle is ready. Go to the space station ASAP. We are counting on you.


10 Gun batteries

14 Dawn 

Lupin: (stands up) Alright, team. Let's gear up and prepare for the mission. We're going to be facing some tough challenges, but I know we can handle them.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. We're ready.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative. Let's move out.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma were able to use a rocket to make their way to the space station.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. We've arrived at the space station. Let's split up into two groups and search for the catapult.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. Gamma and I will take the right side of the station.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma split up and search the space station, they discover that the enemy forces are using advanced technology to defend the catapult.

Announcements: Intruders found in facility. Security personnel, move to intercept.

Lupin: (on COMS) Oh Shit!! Sally, Gamma. The enemy forces are using advanced technology to defend the catapult. We need to find a way to disable it.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. I'll use my Solaris Lynx's sensors to locate the source of the technology.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative. I'll provide cover fire and engage any enemy forces that get too close.

Radio: Shuttle speaking. Emergency! A Murakumo battleship is approaching. Halt operations. You have 3 minutes. Return immediately. I repeat. Return immediately.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. A Murakumo battleship is approaching. We need to disable the catapult and escape within 3 minutes.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that, Lupin. I'll use my Solaris Lynx's sensors to locate the escape pod.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative. I'll provide cover fire and engage any enemy forces that get too close.

With Lupin, Sally, and Gamma's combined efforts, they manage to disable the catapult and escape the space station before the Murakumo battleship arrives. They quickly regroup and prepare to return to base.

Lupin: (on COMS) Sally, Gamma. We've successfully completed the mission and escaped the space station before the Murakumo battleship arrived. Let's head back to base and report our findings.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma return to base, they receive a debriefing from Emi and the private organization Chrome.

Emi: (on COMS) Great job, Raven. You've successfully completed the mission and prevented Murakumo from using the catapult.

Chrome Representative: (on COMS) Thank you, Raven. Your efforts have helped us gather valuable intelligence on Murakumo's operations.

Lupin: (on COMS) It was our pleasure, Chrome. We'll be ready for our next mission.

Sally: (on COMS) Roger that.

Gamma: (on COMS) Affirmative.

As Lupin, Sally, and Gamma return to their quarters, they reflect on the mission and their teamwork. They know that they make a great team and are ready for whatever challenges come their way.

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