Chapter 2

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Isn't it funny?
I was already 14, but you were still my Sun.
You were still the one I was looking for,
among the people who were there,
you were the only one who caught my attention.

I'm not that outspoken,
I was afraid to talk to you,
afraid you would think bad of me..
if suddenly I talk to you.

I was talking to some seniors of mine,
they were talking about you..
It's funny, I would never have made the first move.
Then how come, I added you as my friend online?
Was I blinded by jealousy? Insecurities? Even today, I have no idea why..

It caught my attention when I got a notification on my phone.
It said, you accepted my request.
You have no idea how happy you made me feel that day..
Of course you wouldn't, you didn't even know me yet

When I saw that you used that profile picture, I took it as a chance to talk to you.
After all, we have the same hobby..
Though, it was actually more of an attempt to start a conversation with you..

Time flies by,
I changed school.
And you haven't contacted me for weeks..
I thought for sure you've already forgotten about me.
It wasn't a surprise,
We're not close to begin with.

What surprised me was,
when you suddenly asked me if I changed school.
It made me happy,
I thought you didn't know me.. thought I was just an online friend.. someone you can simply erased.
But when you said you asked my classmate where I was, again,
You would never know how much it means to me.

You had a big exam coming up,
and I wanted to respect your time..
I tried not to contact you unless there was something to talk about.
But of course, who am I kidding?
I can never lie to myself..
I might have gotten too excited, too engrossed with just chatting with you.
Every night, I waited for your messages,
every night.

Though, that might have caused you to take a step back.
You never failed to remind me that I was just a junior..
You never failed to remind me that I was no more than a friend..
So I tried, I tried so hard to suppress my feelings.
At times I still get excited waiting for your messages,
but I knew.. there was a line drawn between us.

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