Prologue: A Tale of Three Friends... Three VERY Idiotic Friends

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Karl skidded down the halls of his high school and towards the gym across the building. Finally! He had just had about enough of Mrs. Tinsley's incessant chattering and much to Karl's delight, second period had finally ended. And so, the boy was scrambling to get to the gym for third period, one of his favourite classes, if we're not counting 5th and his 7-8th ELA Block.

Karl bolted through the open gym doors and tossed his backpack in the corner with his friend's by the door to the outside. The key to their sweet, sweet freedom. (None of them were ballsy enough to actually try and escape, as sucky as school could be.) He grinned, stepping up the bleachers and to the top, where his two friends were already chatting. Karl grimaced at the messy state the sixth graders left the bleachers in, but sat down nonetheless. "Hey guys!"

Talia and Cosmo nodded in greeting with grins on their faces. Karl and Cosmo were quick to discuss random topics, seeing as they were always bouncing around, via their body or through their conversations. To this Talia groaned, "guys, can we please just stay on a topic like Ride the Cyclone?"

Karl, Cosmo, and Talia all shared grins before singing the chorus of Noel's Lament. Karl cracked a grin, "Guys, I think Noel might be a boy kisser." Cosmo faked surprise and dramatically gasped, hands on either side of their head and elbows outward. Talia only laughed.

"Well no shit, it's almost as if he's openly gay." Talia playfully rolled her eyes, slouching backwards so her back was against another row of bleachers. Cosmo chuckled and Karl shrugged.

"So, hate to ruin the mood but..." Karl sighed in mock despair, though it may have been very much real despair, "The day I meet Ken is getting closer." Cosmo and Talia shared a grimace at this. *Ken.* The very bane of the three's existence. The boy with the Michael Sera chin. "Like come on, this is NOT a fine life." Karl shook their head, making a play on one of the songs they'd be singing in Newsies.

Cosmo chuckled, "Guys, let's lighten the mood. Have you guys seen the new Jupiter Jim episode?" Karl and Talia gasped excitedly, with Talia's grin being wider.

"Seen it? Have I SEEN it? Cosmo, you KNOW I love Jupiter Jim!" Talia giggled, their arms flapping excitedly, the fabric of their oversized hoodie swishing back and forth.

Karl shrugged, "Nah, I was on all of last evening like the obsessed bitch I am." He leaned back, only for him to go tumbling down the bleachers, "HOT BELGIUM WAFFLES-"

They blinked, in an instant, he was on the floor. Kamryn and her friends giggling at Karl. Hell, even the teacher was looking at him funny. He sighed, climbing back at the bleachers, "that shit never happened and if you say it did you're wrong."


Sorry for the short chapter! This was just meant to establish the trio's dynamic for those who don't know the main characters.

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