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"Hey kamsssss"

I finished packing up my back to look up and see mina bolting it across the room towards with me before looking behind her to see sero, bakugou and kiri looking over towards me.

"yoooo minaaa"

I give her a handshake before following her back to the rest of the squad.

"Soo Denks what was aizawa saying earlier, asking girls to dinner?"

I saw sero asking me raising one of his eyebrows woth the question.


I fling my bag back towards my seat before rushing out the door waving bye to my friends before sprinting it to the 1-C class.

"Oh Kaminari! I thought you forgot,"

She looked a bit nervous and i felt a bit bad, i mean i couldnt really tell the girl i actually did forget.

"Hah yeahh sorry bout that, present mic and his english lectures you know?"

She giggles and i offer my hand out to her and she takes it, when we start walking in direction of the dinner hall i let go.

She finds us a table and i go order us a selection of food before returning to the table with it.

"So kaminari, whats it like in the hero course,?"

I look up  from my bowl of miso soup to see the girl and her burning curiosity for my situation,

I take a big gulp,

"Well its alot of work to be honest, We get the same work as you guys but were expecting to take hero training classes and extra internships over top of it all aswell,"

Through my final words i go back to putting all my attention into my bowl of miso soup,

"Ahh so its stressful, ill have to pss the message to Shinso, he really has his heart set to progressing to the hero course."

I look back up to her finishing the chew i took before,


Was he the guy who i interacted with earlier,

I mean im sure of it.


"Yeah, He has like purple hair. Not the friendliest."

I look around me to lock eye contact with the boy in question before he smirks and turns back to his friends who seem to not even be speaking.

For the rest of the time im eating we break into small concersation every now and then but for some reason i just couldnt get my mind of shinso.

There was something so intruiging about the boy o just couldnt shake.


"Huh oh sorry yeah?"

I look back up to her with an apologetic expression as id just fully zoned out on her.

"Looks like we better head off, mind walking me to my classroom?"

She takes stance and stands up and i follow her actions before we start walking towards the classrooms.

There was a certain awkwardness to the silence as neither of us knew what exactly to say.

"Do you wanna come in for a bit? Theres still some time of dinner left!"

She said the last part with a big beaming smile so i let out a chuckle and followed her in.

When i walked in i could feel the eyes on me as im sure its not too often the hero course and study courses meet and get along.

She starts showing me some of the work they tend to do before she reaches english,

"Yeah i kinda struggle with english,-"

"I havent met a single UA student who doesnt struggle with english."

We both give eachover a confused look realising neither of us said that last but before turning around and right behind me Hitoshi Shinsou was stood there.

"Well for your information English just so happens to be my best subject"

I say proudly, I mean sure im not THE best at it but it is MY best, like im doing wayyy better in english then i am in maths.

"What with your average score of 36/40?"

He starts to lean over when he says that last bit

"you are so hot-


You are so intimidating

For a work course student.."

I spoke my sentence with alot of hesitation and mhmbles the first bit before perking up immediatley and finishing my last bit up with confidence,

"Wow Kami 36/40 thats good! To be honest i was under the impression you were like a you know dunce face? like fully stupid!"

She stood up out her seat and came over to creste the tension between me and shinsou into a triangle, although i changed my body stanza shinsou kept fscing me and only me,

"Ha yeahh guessing monoma made his impression on you before i got chance-"

I place my hand up to the back of my neck in defeat, i mean ive bever liked being called dtupid but i mean i cant really protest the truth.

"You idiot Kikyo, he obviously doesnt like being called stupid."

Shinsou walks out the triange and takes his sest which he just so happens to be stood right infront of.

With his back faced he still managed to make some half assed comment.

"I dont get why your always making jokes-"

He turned around to face me,

"Interests me"

With his last few words he says them with a big smirk plastered all over his face,

Realising my face has probably went a mean shade of red i bowed to Kikyo and sprinted back to 1-A.

I felt a huge wave of relief pass over me as i walked back in the classroom just to be indtantly surrounded by the bakusquad.

I explained what happened but kept the bits about shinsou personal because to be honest i want to keep them personal.

I dont want anybody else to have tbesr encounters with him.

Only me.

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