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Jamie didn't hate SHIELD, he didn't particularly like it because there was nothing for him to do when Clint was gone but he did appreciate that they kept him safe. Jamie was five years old but he certainely never acted like one, he didn't play with toys despite all the times Clint and Agent Coulson had taken him to buy some, he did feel guilty some times when he thought about it but he just didn't like them, he had never played with toys before, Hydra had never given him toys... well technically they had but they had called knives, guns, and bats, toys.

Jamie never slept properly anymore, he couldn't. The memories that would play in his mind woke him up with tears in eyes and lumps in his throat so he didn't sleep, he sat up writing or reading books, sometimes he would watch things on the TV. Clint was one of the only people who Jamie trusted and it was because Clint had saved him a few months back... Jamie remembered that day so vividly, he was dragged out of the water pool and dragged through the facility before he was tied down and everything began to hurt, his face was bleeding with a deep gash down the side of his face, and his entire body felt broken. Clint had found him along with a redhead who Jamie learned was called Natasha.

Clint had jumped into action and quickly unrestrained the shaking still wet little boy and cradled him into his arms as if some kind of fatherly instinct had taken over him and was controlling his actions. He had raced through the facility as him and Natasha had gathered all their intel and had set explosives around the facility to make sure that no one was going to be coming back to there, he got Jamie onto the jet and made sure that the boy was as comfortable as he could be whilst Clint gently explained what he was doing as he cleaned Jamie's cuts.

Jamie wasn't good at explaining how he felt but he knew one thing for sure he missed Clint when he went on missions. Jamie stayed at a SHIELD base and was able to keep on training and getting stronger whilst also learning more about 'normal' interactions. He hated it when people would say that to him... that he had to be 'normal', he was anything but normal he could do things that most people could only dream of. Jamie was special, when he had been in Hydra they had conducted many experiments on him and recorded how growth of a child changed initial experiments. He was always locked in a water pool after one of the successful experiments allowed him to breath underwater and for his legs to mould together into a fish tail, it was partially the reason why he never learned to speak because he lived mostly underwater.

Jamie was being forced to see a speach therapist who had connfirmed that he could speak but he just seemed to be afraid to speak, the therapist believed that when Jamie was ready he would speak. There was a knock at the door and Jamie flinched, he was getting better at adjusting to people knocking his door but it still shocked him sometimes. Jamie clapped his hands together to tell whoever knocked his door to come in and the door opened to show Clint sticking his head around the door "Hey little Jay." Clint says walking in and Jamie clapped his hands together happily with his feet kicking happily before grabbing his speech notebook, it was always on a string around his neck whilst his other notebook he wrote his thoughts and feelings in was just something he carried around.

'Clint I missed you!' Jamie showed the man who came over to sit beside him "I missed you too kid, and I got good news, I don't have any missions for a while... which means I get to hang out with my best buddy for a while." Clint says and Jamie's smile widens as he nods and Clint looks around the boys room not seeing anything different from when he left the boy "did you train while I was gone?" He asks the boy who nods his head 'I'm learning to move faster through the water, Maria was throwing things into the main pool for me to quickly get and bring back to her' Jamie scribbled down and showed it to Clint.

"Glad you enjoyed your training, are your scales alright now? Also I was thinking do you want to listen to some music? We could go and see Nat and see if she wants to watch movies later?" Clint says and Jamie nods quickly moving to grab shoes and he slips on some sneakers and grabs one of Clint's jumpers that he stole a while back. The jumper completely drowned the boy but Clint thought it was adorable. 'My scales are fine now, after everything healed they changed back to blue.' He had written down to show Clint who smiled happily with that and lead the boy out of the room and down the corridor to another room where their favourite redhead stayed.

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