Sam Wilson

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After staying with Steve for months and getting back into a healthy pattern with usual daily tasks staying the same and being able to carry out research thanks to Dr. Banner sending materials for him, Jamie was really enjoying his life with Steve. They had little rituals that they liked to, on Mondays they would pick a random page in Steve's cookbook and make it in the kitchen. Wednesdays they would go to the diner down the street, Steve liked it because the decor reminded him on the 40s, Jamie liked it because of the milkshakes. Fridays were take out night which Jamie liked because he had gotten to try so much food that he had never heard of before. Saturdays were both of their favourite days because they had their weekly movie night. Steve, Jamie and Alpine would curl up on the couch and they would watch a new movie, it was usually one from Steve's list but they had enjoyed all of them so far.

Jamie was now seven years old and was a lot more confident with his abilities and his speech was a lot stronger thanks to Steve, who was determined to get the boy comfortable with living with him. Jamie was sitting in the kitchen eat some toast whilst Alpine was zooming around the apartment, the kitten getting her morning zoomies out of her system. Steve was getting ready for their morning run, one of the things that Jamie hated. He could keep up with Steve but that didn't mean that he wanted to, Jamie was always exhausted when they got back from running, he might've had the super soldier serum in his veins but it was a watered down, hydra remix of it. He had opened up to Steve more about what he had gone through in Hydra and the man had been supportive of him.

"Hey Jamie." Steve says walking into the kitchen going straight to the fridge to have some orange juice before they left "I see Alpine's awake." Steve says watching the little white furball bounce from the sofa to the coffee table over to the window and around the back of the sofa, "She's just warming up for the run." Jamie says with a shrug as he finishes his toast and Steve laughs "You ready to go for a run kiddo?" Steve asks grabbing his running shoes and Jamie does a sarcastic stretch "Oh yeah." He says before grabbing his own shoes and sliding them on and then he heads back into the living room "Come here Alpine!" He says and the kitten runs over and jumps up using her claws to climb up to his chest. "What collar do you want girl? Pink or Blue?" Jamie asks the kitten lifting her simba style to where the collars were hanging and Alpine hits the pink one with her paw.

"Nice choice." Jamie says taking the pink collar and sitting Alpine down to put the collar on her, they had been forced to but Alpine collars when they went out walking and someone tried to steal her from Jamie, causing the young boy to freak out until Steve came running over and the guy trying to steal Alpine froze when he saw Captain America. That was a great day for PR, with all the newspapers calling Jamie, Captain America's son. Clint had called Jamie the day after he saw the news because he found it hilarious that Jamie was being called Steve's son, they then decided that it wasn't the worst cover to have so that's what they agreed they would tell people who asked that he was Steve's adopted son. Alpine's collar had a little metal plaque attached with name and a contact number in case she wandered off one day.

They headed out of the apartment shortly after, heading through Washington until they reached, in Jamie's opinion, Steve's favourite running place the Washington monument. They walk through the streets as people begin making their way to their early jobs, Alpine is spralled out along Jamie's shoulders whilst Jamie holds onto Steve's left hand as they walk through the streets, that was another now that Jamie just did like it was second nature. When they would leave the apartment the first thing Jamie would do is reach for Steve's hand making sure that the man stayed close to him. They made it to the Washington monument and began to start their laps as the sun was beginning to rise. Jamie liked this part of the running getting to see the sun rise as they ran.

They noticed another man running the same loop as them and after they had ran past the man a few times they came up with a plan that was a little bit evil but ultimately was quite a funny plan. Steve ran slightly in front of Jamie and leaned towards the man "On your left." Steve says and Jamie runs on the other side of the man "On your right." Jamie says before giggling and even Alpine gets a word in from Jamie's shoulders "Mew." She meows as they run past and Jamie catches up with Steve and before they know it they have almost caught back up with the man again and they decided to have a laugh and do it again "On your left." Steve says and Jamie runs past "On your right." He says and the man just nods "Uh-huh, on my left and right. Got it." The man says and Jamie catches up with Steve and Steve glances down at him.

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