Loki and Thor

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After boarding the Quinjet Nat had quickly left the front of the jet to quickly check Jamie over and the boy let her knowing it would make her feel less worried about him, after that Jamie goes to sit down on the side of the jet and takes out a book he had started reading on Norse mythology which catches Loki's eye and he smirks watching Jamie's face change in wonder as he read all about Asgard and all about the gods. He reads about a magic rainbow bridge and he doesn't know if it's true or not so he decides while everyone else looks busy to ask the expert in the jet, he was restrained anyway so Jamie moves to sit on the floor just in front of Loki and he begins to write on his notepad 'does the rainbow bridge really exist?' He writes and shows it Loki who chuckles.

"First of all, it has a name midguardian, it's called the Bifröst and yes it exists." Loki says answering the boy and Jamie can't help but notice that there is something different about his eyes, his eyes looked blue when they were fighting but now they looked almost green? Maybe it was a trick to confuse him after all he was the god of mischief and lies... well that's what the book called him 'Are you really a god?' Was the next question Jamie wrote and Loki narrowed his eyes "Yes." Is all he says and Jamie nods accepting it before he continues to read his book in front of Loki before he snorts getting the gods attention who tilts his head slightly watching the child and now Steve and Tony watch Jamie and the god quietly observing them.

'Is this blonde Barbie really your brother?' Jamie writes turning the book around as well to show an illustration of a man holding up a hammer with the name 'Thor' above it and Loki looks away annoyed "adopted." He says and that makes Jamie giggle for some reason at the gods childish behaviour "Hey Silent but Deadly do you mind moving away from the deranged lunatic?" Tony asks him and for a moment Jamie looks confused before he looks back at Loki and realises that Tony is talking about him so he gives Loki a smile and moves back over to the side of the plane where he sits down and then yawns stretching up his arms. "Hey Jamie, why don't you get some sleep buddy, there is still a couple hours before we're back." Nat calls back to him and he nods picking up his bag taking a flannel shirt out of it before he uses his bag as a pillow and the shirt as a blanket.

"That shirt is too big to be his." Steve says and Tony scoffs "no really? I thought it would be a perfect fit on him... obviously it's not his." Tony says and Nat nods her head, she has glanced back after Jamie has fallen asleep and it hurt her to see the little boy cuddling into Clint's flannel shirt because he missed him so much. Steve and Tony try asking Loki questions but the man stays quiet and continues watching Jamie as he sleeps. After another three hours Fury calls Nat to speak to her and so she connects a headset "Said anything?" Fury asks her about Loki "Not a word to us but he did answer all of Jamie's written questions and he keeps watching him sleeping." Nat says quietly into her headset.

"Just get him here. We're low on time." Fury orders her and in the main part of the jet Loki is still tied up and cuffed to his seat, whilst Tony and Steve watch from a distance, whispering so they don't wake Jamie "I don't like it." Steve says and Tony looks at him "What? Rock of Ages giving up so easily?" He asks Steve who sighs "I don't remember it being ever that easy. This guy packs a wallop... and then he doesn't say a word to us but answers all of Jamie's questions."  Steve says getting annoyed by Lokis behaviour "Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?" Tony says being sarcastic which Steve doesn't appreciate because he doesn't understand it "What?" The blonde asks and Tony just smirks "It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know... during your time as a Capsicle." He says and Steve gives Tony a look.

Steve didn't like Tony's attitude but Tony knew that and simply didn't care "Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in." Steve says and Tony shrugs "Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you." He simply says and then thunder rumbles loudly outside the jet with lightning nearly hitting the jet, making it shake violently. Natasha's head snapped towards where she heard it almost afraid as Jamie jumps up awake from his sleep heavily breathing "Where's this coming from?" Natasha asks whilst Loki stares out the window intently which Jamie notices and wrote down on his notebook 'What's the matter? Don't like lightning?' He writes and Jamie shows it to the god who sighs looking up at the roof "I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki says and a lightbulb goes off in Jamie's head THOR! He was the god of thunder!

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