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Your heart races as you touch the petals. You're shocked that your boyfriend even remembered your anniversary—much less your favorite flowers. Closing the door behind you, you hum your favorite song as you grab a container for them. Despite being busy with work in Milan, he hasn't forgotten you.

It's only after you place them neatly into a glass vase that you notice the note. You open the envelope gently, thinking about calling Daniel to thank him when you realize that they aren't from him at all.

These reminded me of you.


You aren't upset and it's strange. Your heart races even more erratically as a silly smile makes its way to your face.

Somehow, it seems just like Childe to correctly guess your favorite flowers without trying. Looking closer, you see that his phone number is included alongside the present.

You're more confident now that he's hitting on you. You're by no means an unintelligent woman but, until this point, it was hard to believe that practiced friendliness was true interest.

You know that you should stop, but it feels good to be treated so well. Childe—despite having known him for only a few days—makes you feel validated in a way that Daniel hasn't made you feel in quite some time. Perhaps before you quit your job and moved in with him, but that was the honeymoon phase. Since then, something changed drastically between you two. It's as if you weren't his girlfriend but a freeloader.

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you stare down at the note once more. You've practically memorized his number by this point. You know you shouldn't be doing this, but you can't help yourself.

An angel and devil sit on either shoulder, throwing you into turmoil.

You shouldn't call him, the angel says, [Name], you have a boyfriend. You know Childe isn't serious. He's just playing with you.

The devil merely snickers: At least he's giving you the time of day. Why not have some fun? Why not let someone else take care of you for a change?

Though it stings to admit, it's true.

No, the angel counters, Daniel has just been busy. He loves you.

It's like a pitchfork jabbing at your cheek. Does he? When was the last time you felt like you could rely on someone? When was the last time you didn't feel so indebted? When was the last time Daniel made you feel special?

Those questions make you press your lips tightly together.

Daniel did make you feel special and alive...once. You can't recall the last time he made your heart skip a beat or made you feel precious. Not to mention, the question is still up in the air as to whether your boyfriend even remembers your anniversary. You justify that he's busy, especially since he's putting a roof over both of your heads.

But a simple phone call shouldn't be that much of a hassle if he loves you, right?

If he has enough time to pick up a call from Ekaterina Nikolaev from the Tsaritsa Trust, then he'll surely find time to call you by the end of the day to at least celebrate the occasion. It's then that you hear a ringtone, jolting you back to reality.

You quickly shoot up, looking around the apartment for where your phone is before finding it on the sofa. Grabbing it, you realize that it's Daniel calling you. Speak of the devil. You fumble before clicking the answer button. Clearing your throat, you try not to sound too hopeful about why he's calling.

"Daniel, hi," you greet casually. After all, you were worried that he hadn't even checked in with you since the start of his trip.

"Finally," he abruptly snaps. "What took you so long to answer?"

Between the Lines (Ajax 'Childe' Tartaglia x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now