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You shouldn't have been shocked that he has a room booked right above the planetarium where the gala is held. Both of you fumble through the private elevator, wholly lost in one another's kiss that makes you utterly weak in the knees as you fall on top of the bed with him on top of you.

Childe is already loosening his tie, desperate to be buried deep inside of you as you grin up at him playfully while arching up a brow. It's ironic just how long you've waited for this, yet you still can't help but be playful with him. "Were you planning to get lucky tonight?"

"Not unless it was with you," he answers, which is nothing more than the plain truth.

"You know that many people on social media say you're such a sweet talker."

"So long as I can sweet talk you, I don't care what others think," he chuckles hoarsely.

"Kiss me," you command softly, trailing your hands down his muscular body hidden under his suit.

"Anything for you, [Y/N]," he murmurs before slamming his lips onto yours. It sends your heart rocketing sky-high as you feel enchanted by this man in front of you with the deepest dark navy-blue eyes. Your eyes flutter close as he cups your cheeks and brings your body closer to his. You can't help but notice how he's able to fit every single one of your crevices like you're made from the same mold.

Gasping, your mouth parts for a brief second. It's all it takes for Childe to slide his tongue into your mouth. Your lips are locked with his, tongues in a full-on dance as tingles run down your body in rapid session. Excitement rushes down your body as your breath becomes shorter. Every single one of your senses is on edge; every touch is multiplied tenfold altogether. Finally, your body caves into what Childe wants as you naturally lean into his large hand for support.

A small yelp in surprise slips from your mouth when your passionate kiss that has left your lips swollen is ripped as you stumble onto the bed. You watch with heavy eyelids as he effortlessly shrugs off his suit jacket. Then, he removes his dress shirt in one swift, quick movement, not caring about the buttons that pop and scatter all around the room as he is standing in front of you in nothing more than his navy slacks that makes his eyes pop out even more—your breath hitches as your eyes widen as your eyes eagerly drink him up.

Childe has seen that look plenty of times from all gender and age alike, but nothing brought him greater pleasure than seeing your lust-filled eyes taking him all in. He is utterly captivated by him, much as you were with him. It an irony since neither you nor he realizes the power you both have over one another.

"Do you like what you see?" Childe asks, though, from the look in his eyes, you know that he is teasing you. His grin only widens, knowing the answer already of the effects it had on you and how much it also fed into his ego at the same time.

It causes you to pout, letting out a huff playfully. "What do you think?"

You need to have him and have taken him however he'd like already enough to smother you in pure lust utterly. You have never felt this way for anyone else, not even your ex-boyfriends. Perhaps it's because he makes you feel special and loved while alive and excited at the same time. You knew that despite being independent and your own person, you could also allow Childe to take care of you without expecting anything in return and vice versa.

One may say that you had been in love with him from the moment he came up to you that night.

Either way, you can't imagine how hard it was to keep your breathing even and your hands steady as well. Your mouth feels like it was drier than the desert, and you need another taste of him again. Your lips are probably swollen. Slowly, you lick your lips, and Childe watches you like a hungry animal.

Between the Lines (Ajax 'Childe' Tartaglia x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now