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"Childe, this is just too much!"

You shake your head in disbelief. It's the night of the gala, and of course, Childe would surprise you by sending over personal stylist and makeup artists that is the best in the entire world. At your comment, he only smiles at you as the two women get to work setting up. You told Childe you were thinking of going somewhere to get your makeup done for the gala. Not because you didn't want to embarrass him, but want to make an impression.

"Relax and let me take care of you," he instructs, causing you to huff. He brings you too close, and at this point, you've gotten so used to always having his presence with you that you can't help but feel somewhat nervous when he's not with you as he smiles at you. "Plus, nothing is too much when it comes to you, [Y/N]. I don't ever want you to think that."

The warm scolding makes you completely speechless all over again.

Not able to pick a fight (and knowing full well by now that you will lose anyway), you allow them to do their jobs while Childe joins after finishing. It's been a few days since you started sleeping over at Childe's large penthouse that overlooks the city. He has insisted in the beginning that he feels rather lonely without you.

Since you feel the same, you figure that you can move into his place for just a few days until Daniel comes back with no funny business. Oddly enough, Daniel has been trying to call you more, which you would send straight to voicemail after what he has done. You know that if you pick up his phone call, it's only going to ruin your mood.

When they are done, you are utterly amazed by what they have done in just an hour. Your hair is done intricately, alongside your makeup as well. For once, you're dressing up because you want to impress not only Childe but stand on his side as an equal. With the dress on, you look—

"Utterly enchanting."

You turn to see that Childe is staring at you from head to toe. You can't help but check him out as well, especially in his well-pressed three-piece navy suit that makes his eyes stand out much more. You bite your lips, trying not to touch your hair.

Childe didn't even know how he even can stand in front of you without losing his mind. His hands are clammy, and his heart is beating so loudly that he's more than confident that you can hear it at this point. As he's standing in front of you, he knew at that moment that his heart beats for you only—

The only half that he has found and locked on, especially when you shyly smile up at him.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Childe," you coyly tell him. You notice that his tie is the same color as your dress, and your heart swells even more that he does these minuscule things for you without asking either.

Chuckling, he pulls you once more and kisses you on the cheek, though what Childe wanted more than anything else was to finally kiss you on the lips, wanting to know if you'll taste as sweet as you look. However, ever the perfect gentleman and meticulous planner, he doesn't push for it just yet.

After all, good things come to those who wait.

With your hand intertwined with his, you both make your way over to the gala at the planetarium. You won't admit out loud just how excited you've been. But, when it comes to attending a gala, especially with Daniel, it feels nothing more than a chore with your façade smile and being bored out of your mind.

Childe is the opposite, going straight away to introduce you to everyone he knows and even incorporating your thoughts into his conversation with others. Never once did you feel left out, giving you an equal chance to speak about the stars to others because of your vast knowledge about them. It's worlds apart from your boyfriend, who has always told you to stay quiet and keep your head down not to embarrass him.

Between the Lines (Ajax 'Childe' Tartaglia x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now