( seven )

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You're not the same woman you are almost five years ago.

In fact, if Childe knows that you're coming down to visit him, he wouldn't like it at all. A small chuckle catches in your throat as you bite your lips. Over the last five years, so much has happened, but you wouldn't have it any other way. Childe has made you a more confident woman, courageous and smart in every way—

Well, among other things such as his passion which you soon found out about regarding your husband and another half. He had proposed to you just one year into your relationship, just under the beautiful stars as you had joked about when you also learned more about his other side. His lack of boundaries and control that you saw that night when he attacked Daniel has always been in the back of your mind.

It's then you realize the extent Childe will go for you (however, the feeling is quite mutual as well).

You're only wearing a trench coat as you tuck your hair back in excitement and anticipation. You make your way into your lover's office, seeing Childe hard at work. Your nipples have already started to pebble and hardened into peaks, your core throbbing in need as your slit becomes drenched for what's to come.

More than anything else, you certainly hope that he likes the surprise, as you've never set foot in his office at this time of day in over five years. It's not as if you didn't want to, but life has been busy since Childe persuaded you to pursue your own hobby and making a business out of it—

Something that you love more than anything else.

It's around eleven in the morning when you decide to give Childe a surprise for everything, he's done for you as you waltz right into the front of his office. Your heart is pounding as you knock on the door. There's a small pause.

"Come in."

At that, you come in as a corner lift from Childe's lips. If only you have known that he had put a tracker on your phone, keeping a tab on you the entire time soon after you have left the penthouse. He leans back, acting surprised for a moment before he rests his hand across his stomach.

"Hi, Mr. Ajax."

"Hello there, Mrs. Ajax," he greets in return. "To what do I owe the pleasure of you visiting me?"

You only hum as you slowly round the corner, pushing away the papers that Childe has been working on, but he doesn't mind in the slightest when you take a seat on his desk, right in front of him. Instantly, his nose flares at the way your [H/C] falls over your shoulder as you then bite your lips.

Grinning in return, you kick off the heels you love so much and place your foot right on the armrest of his chair, and slowly spread your legs, pulling Childe's chair closer. Instantly, his eyes go from yours to then your spread legs. You then lean toward, your cleavage out and center for him as you pull onto his tie. "I missed you too much that I couldn't stay home. Unless...you want me to leave, then I'm okay with that as well."

God, both of you know that Childe can never say no to you, especially when you spread open your legs while licking your lips slowly. His nose flares as he grips hard onto his intertwined hands at the sight of your pussy right there in front of him, served on a silver plate.

No matter how many times you've had one another, your appetite never seems to cease.

Childe's cock is already throbbing, pulsating, and pre-cum leaking from its bulbous head as he stares at you. There's a darkness in his eyes, swirling like an endless abyss as he arches up a brow. "Did you lock the door?"

The last thing he needs is to accidentally murder someone for their eyes landing on him.

Your finger slowly starts unbuttoning the trench coat, pulling off the belt as you nod. "I did."

"Good girl."

Your pussy instantly clenches at nothing at his appraisal when you finally pull off the trench coat, your breasts out and bare for him as he groans. He needs to make a mental note to personally take you home after this rather than having someone drive you.

Fuck his meetings today, you are always more important.

"Your tits are going to be the death of me, Mrs. Ajax."

Childe is already reaching to the zipper of his slack, tugging it down as you push the trench coat off and spread your legs wide for him. You already know that you're juices are running down onto the desk at this point as you place your hands behind you for support. "What about my pussy, Childe? What does that do to you?"

You love the way that he growls before he shoots up from the chair and instantly slams deep and hard right into you without any warning. It causes you to moan loudly before putting your back down on the table to cover your mouth. The last thing you need is for Childe's permanent secretary Ekaterina to know what you're both doing.

Though, if only you know how much is lying beneath the murky surface.

Ever so quickly, Childe goes to place a hand on one of your breasts, taking you with all his might almost as if he wants everyone in the firm to know that you are his as he growls. "This is how I feel about your pussy, [Y/N]."

"C-Childe..." you whimper off, as your hand slowly travels upward to cover your mouth before he uses his free hand to take your wrists and pins it over your head. He continues to ruthlessly slam into you until you're screaming down the building and biting down on his arm.

However, he doesn't stop, not until he makes you come at least three more times before he finally decides it's his turn. Taking a seat, he drags you into his lap. You whimper by the way his cock still stretches you out so wonderfully as he grabs your ass, working you on his thick cock while his eyes are completely staring into yours.

"Who's my little slut?"

"You are," you mewl out. Five years ago when Daniel threw it onto your face, it had completely shattered you. Now, Childe has breathed a new life and meaning into it which you love so much. "I'm your slut, wife, and good girl. Whatever else you want me to be."

He groans loudly, the buzzing in his ears becoming too much as he slams home one more time, spilling all of his potent seed deep inside of you as he locks his lips onto yours. Even now, Childe loves that you're not an aggressive kisser, still soft and tantalizing even after five years together. You do something to him that he didn't know is possible. You made him forget where he is and who he was, completely consumed with just the need for you.

God, he would do just about anything so long as you are with him for now and ever.

Finally pulling away, you're still seated on his cock as he lays one more kiss onto your nose, causing you to scrunch up your nose as he laughs. "I love it when you drop by as a surprise, [Y/N]. In fact, you should do it every day from now on."

"Funny," you giggle. Honestly, a small part of you also dropped by because it's a rather special occasion for both of you. Brushing back his slick orange hair before you place your forehead onto his, you smile. Just like the first time he saw you, there's nothing but the universe in your bright [E/C] he can get lost forever. "I love you, Childe."

"I love you too, [Y/N]," he whispers before cupping your cheek and kissing you once more. "Happy anniversary as well."

Another year is done, and forevermore to go. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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