Clarification (Please Read)

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Some Story Info:

I don't own Harry Potter or its characters. This fanfic will not fully follow canon. In this story, Harry is born in the year 2000, not 1980 and he started at Hogwarts in 2011 not 1991. Some things that came out in the later 2000s will come out earlier in this story. I don't remember or know what all came out in the 2000s so there may not be any accuracy. For those who see stuff from other stories sorry I read many fanfics and can't remember them all. So there will be possible be things from other fanfics mixed with my own ideas. Any gifs, pictures, and videos used in this story I don't own. There will be ocs and oocs in this story. There will be some character bashing. I label this mature just to be on the safe side for cussing, possible smut, and other stuff that may come in later chapters which is not confirmed yet. Harry will have multiple heirships/lordships in this story. Harry and some people will not be fighting for the light or dark side they will be fighting for a side of their own that Harry will lead. Harry will be a grey wizard and a pureblood in this story. Hermione will be a grey witch in this story and not the same as she is in canon.

He also will eventually be blood-adopted by both Sirius and Remus. Remus will not be with Nymphadora but instead, he will be with Sirius. Harry will have a Harem of women of various ages both older and younger. Harry will not look how he did in canon. Sirius and Remus will also look different than they did in canon. Sirius, Remus, and Harry's looks will all change a bit after going through with the blood adoption. Harry will be smarter, stronger, and behave differently than he did in canon. Some events that happen in canon won't happen or will happen differently than they did in canon. Some deaths that happen in canon won't happen. Some relationships that happened in canon will not happen. I will be pulling family names from other places mainly from Game of Thrones. Harry will have a lot of lordships that he inherits from both his biological parents. There will be no HarryxGinny or RonxHermione pairs as I do not agree with them. Hermione will be in Harry's harem and will not get with Ron. There will be some Weasley bashing do not worry it I will not be bashing Bill or the Twins. Bill and Fleur will not be together in this story. Bellatrix was not part of the attack on the Longbottoms and was never a Death Eater. By the time the Longbottoms were attacked, she already divorced her abusive husband and taken back her maiden name. In this story, Narcissa is not a death eater and she will later divorce her husband when Harry is in his fourth year. This story starts a day after Hermione is petrified.

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