Shocking News

107 4 0

"Prat" -talking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

"Hello" - speaking a different language

§open§ -Parseltongue

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 4: Shocking News


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

Hat-"I told you that Slytherin is the best choice for you Mr.Potter. Where you would grow to greatness, Mr. Potter. But you vehemently asked to be put in Gryffindor. Today you find yourself in a life-and-death situation because of those around you. However, I didn't just want to put you in Slytherin because you would have been with those who are cunning, intelligent, and ambitious like you, I wanted to put you there Mr. Potter because over the years after Salazar's death, the house of Slytherin has fallen from greatness. The once great house full of those who are cunning, intelligent, and ambitious is now full of those who lie, cheat, and steal all thanks to Tom Riddle. The house of Slytherin was fine until Riddle came and mucked it all up now the house of Slytherin is isolated and hated amongst the other houses Snape and Dumbledore do not help in that matter at all either, in fact, they make it worse. By putting you in that house you could make it great once more making it so Slytherin was not isolated from everyone. Mr. Potter, you had traits of all the houses and by putting you in Slytherin you would have found out sooner that you were the true-blooded heir of Salazar descending from the direct main line and the one who could once again unite Hogwarts making it great like back when the founders were alive. Before his death, Salazar asked me to sort any of his family members into his house where they would be safe. He also explained some traits that give me clues to identify them. One clue was the green eyes and females of the family named after flowers. *he gives a dramatic pause letting the information sink in for me before the hat continues* Your mother, Lily Marie Evans had both not only that but she to like you was a parselmouth though not many knew. When I sorted her, she didn't listen to my advice either and just asked me to put her in the best house, and due to the circumstances at the time that was the house of Gryffindor. Though she made a good argument on why it was best not to be in Slytherin after all Voldemort was rising to power not to mention it would mean trouble if word got out that she was the descendant from the main line of Slytherin as the Dark Lord would have targeted her way sooner before she even got with your father to end any competition of inheriting the title of Lord Slytherin which even though he was older he had no direct claim to the Slytherin line. Though because of her argument, I would put her in Ravenclaw but she took a path I didn't think she would take. She was just as cunning and ambitious even while still believing she was a muggle-born when she first came you remind me so much of her Mr.Potter though you were not raised by them you got a bit of both your parents in you. Though believed to be muggle-born she wanted to be the best in her class and she reached all her goals with the cunningness and ambition of a perfect Slytherin. She like your father was a snake hidden among a bunch of lions. When I was sorting you I saw you were more cunning, ambitious, and intelligent than both your parents. You are the last magical child of the main line of Slytherin at the moment Mr.Potter since your aunt and cousin are both squibs you are the only one of your family who can claim the Lordship while Tom is only able to claim heirship as he is part of the branch family not the main family line. I wanted to put you in Slytherin because you were the chance to bring it back to its former greatness, not to mention it would have helped you get out from under Dumbledore's thumb. However, though I wanted to put you in Slytherin I couldn't just leave your opinion and choose to do as I wished with you so in the end, I put you in Gryffindor. You and I both know what happened in the past two years of being in Gryffindor. Now there is so much I wish to discuss with you Mr.Potter but now is not the time. I don't wish to overwhelm you with so much information at this critical time. So being as it's not the time and place to tell everything I want to tell you I will just give you some memories that I wish you to watch and remember after all this is over. Now take the sword of Gryffindor that Godric himself wanted me to give to one of his heirs who I find worthy. Fight the basilisk with the pure heart of a warrior and like a true descendant of Gryffindor would. May your choices help you shape yourself into a better person, Mr.Potter. Take the sword and kill the basilisk. I know you may not want to but you must. The basilisk as you most likely figured out was tortured and is now being controlled. Riddle had tried to order her to attack the students at the school. When she refused Riddle tortured her to insanity with the Cruciatus Curse when she was no longer sain he cast a powerful Imperius Curse to make her obey since she had continuously tried to kill him. I know you don't want to kill her Mr.Potter but you have to end her pain end her suffering for hurting the very students her master your ancestor Salazar wanted her to protect. Do what must be done Mr.Potter take the sword of Gryffindor and put the hat on I will give you the memories. End her misery Mr.Potter and end Riddle's reign of terror once more."

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