Duel A Memory

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"Prat" -talking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

"Hello" - speaking a different language

§open§ -Parseltongue

Hello -letters/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 3: Duel A Memory


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third Pov:

The door to the next part of the chamber opens and Harry enters the next part of the chamber which is larger. The chamber was lined with large snake head statues on either side of him in the center of the room and torches lit with green flames on the walls. When Harry entered he saw a small girl lying limply on the other side of the chamber. Harry hurries over and crouches by her checking for a pulse. Sighing in relief that the twin's sister was still alive. Looking around for the heir of Slytherin gripping his wand firmly while thinking of spells to use to help him if he ends up dueling them. While looking around he heard clapping from behind. Harry spun around using his own body to shield Ginny's. While he shields Ginny's body Harry held his wand up and pointed it at the culprit ready to fire a chain of spells if needed. Walking into view while clapping was a young man who looked to be in his mid to late teens. Harry guessed he was around maybe 15 or 16 years old. The young man was wearing a unique Slytherin uniform that did not quite match the other's uniform as he seemed to be wearing a grey three-piece suit under his cloak.

Harry and the young man had a conversation with some back and forth. During the conversation, some things were revealed. Harry learned the guy in front of him was Tom Marvolo Riddle better known to everyone now as Lord Voldemort. The Slytherin teen proved it by jumbling the letters with the wand in his hand. The revelation changed so many things. Anger welled up inside Harry because it had been two years in a row now that Voldemort had in some way attacked Hermione. Harry forces himself to push down his anger which is something he is very used to growing up with the Dursleys so his anger doesn't cloud his mind as he needs to have a clear head to think of a strategic plan of spell combinations. Little did Harry know that by him pushing down his anger growing up he unconsciously does one of the things that shows one is a master in Occlumency which he knows nothing about yet. Finding out who was the cause of all this didn't make Harry give up. If anything finding out that the boy was a solid memory of the younger version of Voldemort made Harry James Potter more determined to make the culprit pay.

Harry-*glares with wand still pointing at Tom*'This bastard killed my parents being the cause of why I was sent to the Dursleys, then last year he brought the damn troll into the school which nearly killed Hermione, nearly killed me multiple times, is the reason I killed with my own hands for the first time when I was 11 using the protection of my mother. Now most would argue I killed for the first time when I was 15 months but that doesn't count since the bastard didn't die which makes Quirell my first kill. Now this year he attacked the school again like he did when he was in school endangering its students. The first time he open the chamber he framed Hagrid which lead to him being expelled back when he was a student now years later Hagrid was sent to Azkaban for the attacks being accused again, like Hagrid I too was accused of the attacks, this bastard tricked my twin brothers in all but blood little sister kidnapped her planning to leave her down here, and for a second fucking time he went after Hermione nearly killing her. Time to make this bastard pay he will fucking regret attacking my home and going after Hermione.'"You will regret coming after my home and going after someone I care about STUPEFY..."

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