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TJIS WHOLE THING IS INSPIRED BY PIZZA HEROES. okay so like. theres randomly a school field trip to the science center over there™ thats in 4 days and ZIM NEEDS MONEY FOR JT!! because his FUCKING ROBOT PARENTS ARE STUPID. so zim is the only pne who cant pay for it BUT!!! he has an idea. he asks dib for help he;s like "dib. im NEVER ASKING AGAIN but. i need help." and dibs like "LMAOAOAOAO SINCE WHEN DID YOU NEED HELPP" and zims like "THE MONIES!!!!! i need what you humans call.."bucks"." and dibs like "oh. i mean i have a few bucks if u want it" and zims like "NO!!!!! I DONT WANT YOURRR MONEY. IT HAS UR GERMS ON IT" and dibs like "well idfk how to help get a job" and zims like "a job eh???? well you have to help me" and dibs like "WAHGT. WHY ME" and zim eventually convinces dib to help. they try to get money by walking dogs and a lemonade stand but THOSE DONT WORK! so dib is like "hey how about we deliver pizza" and so they make tgeir own pizza, make tgeir own commercial jingle for it called the "pizza heroes" and their motto is we always deliver™ !!! and wow!! it gets them enough money for zim to go!! and dib realizes "wait. I DOJT WANT HIM TO GO." and well L dib bc its too late. anywayss uhhh YEAH! this is set before the florpus incident and after the frycook from what came from all that space. oh and uh also THIS IS NOTTT ZADR!! its zadf/zade!! and keep in mind this wont be written how u think. okay bye

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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