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[Chapter takes place in season 2, episode 1: "My Time Of Dying", taking place directly after the events of "Devil's Trap"]

"Bad Moon Rising" is still playing on the radio as Sam looks around with bleary eyes, mind fogged from the crash. He notices the other driver, with black eyes, and pulls the Colt out of his pocket.

The demon pulls the driver's side door off its hinges to see Sam pointing the Colt at him.

"Back. Or I'll kill you, I swear to god," Sam rasps out determinedly. The demon sneers.

"You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else."

Sam cocks the gun. "You wanna bet?"

It smiles before the black demon-ichor pours out of the man, who collapses. Sam uncocks the gun, drops his head back in relief.

"Oh my god!" the man exclaims.

"Dad?" Sam calls weakly.

"Did I do this?"

"Dad! Oliver?! Dean? Dean!!"

════ ⋆★⋆ ════

It's dawn break by the time a rescue helicopter descends to the site, and all four males are being loaded onto stretchers. John and Dean are still unconscious, Oliver is fading in and out of lucidity, and Sam is awake. 

"Significant passenger-side intrusion. Unresponsive. BP is 180 over 60, heartrate 95, 95." A male paramedic says. 

"Tell me if they're okay!" Sam demands. 

"You have to stay still!" 

"Are they even alive?!" 

There are no other words from the medics as they work. 

   ════ ⋆★⋆ ════ 

In a room, Dean sits up, works his jaw, gets out of bed. He is wearing a white t-shirt, blue hospital pants, and nothing else. He goes into the hallway, seemingly fine but slightly concerned. 

"Sam? Dad? Anybody?" He calls. He goes down the stairs to the front of the hospital and finds a nurse's station. 

"Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think I was in a car accident, my dad and my brothers, I just need to find them," he says. The nurse doesn't respond to his presence. "Hello?" 

He snaps his fingers in her face but there isn't any indication that she knows that he's there. Dean goes back upstairs, panicked, and sees his own body on the bed, intubated and dying. His jaw drops in shock. 

Oliver is standing in the corner of Dean's hospital room, watching him balk in shock as he sees his own body in the bed. Both of them turn to look at Sam as he enters the room, breathing heavily. 

"Sammy! You look good. Considering." 

"Oh, no..." Sam mutters, staring at Dean's body. 

"Man, tell me you can hear me. How's dad? Oliver? Are they okay? Come on, you're the psychic. Give me some ghost whispering or something!" 

"Your father's awake. You can go see him if you like," the doctor says as he enters. Oliver still say nothing, just staying an observer at the moment. This isn't the first time he's had an...out of body experience. He'd say his fourth, if he sat down and thought about it. 

"Thank God." Oliver rolls his eyes at Sam's words. God has nothing to do with this situation...well, he might, actually. Sam looks at the doctor. 

"Doc, what about my brothers?" 

"Well, the one here, he sustained serious injury: blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There are early signs of cerebral edema. The one that just came out of surgery also sustained serious injury: blood loss, internal bleeding, broken ribs, broken arm, compound fracture of two ribs, punctured lung, severe whiplash, and several more injuries. There's also the concern of head trauma for him as well." 

"Well, what can we do?" Sam asks, clearly concerned. Dean's posture shows that he wasn't expecting his condition or Oliver's to be so severe. 

"Well, we won't know their full condition until they wake up. If they wake up. 


"I have to be honest -" 

"Oh, screw you, Doc, I'm waking up." Dean cuts off the doctor even though the others can't hear him, but Oliver can't help but share the same thought. No way in hell will either of them sleep forever. 

"- most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. Both are fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations." 

"Come on, Sam. Go find some hoodoo priest to lay some mojo on me. Sam?" Dean speaks, but both Sam and the doctor leave the room. "Hey-" 

"They can't see or hear you, Dean," Oliver finally speaks up, making the older turn in shock. 

"Oliver? How- didn't the doctor just say that you just got out of surgery? How the hell are you here?" he walks over to him. Ollie shrugs. 

"This is an out-of-body experience, Dean. It may be a first for you, but I think it's my fourth. It means that we're walking a very fine line, fighting against death. You heard what the doctor just said, most wouldn't have made it this far." 

"Screw that, 'm too fucking stubborn to die. But how the hell are you so calm about this?" 

"Again, not my first time being this close to death." 

"That doesn't make it any better!" 

"No, I guess it doesn't." Ollie turns his gaze from Dean's body to his...soul? He think that's what it is. He seems surprised and concerned when their eyes meet. 

"Why are your eyes different? One looks like when you use your powers, but the other is glowing..." he states, and Oliver turns his head away quickly, as if he had been struck. 

"Well, since I'm close to death, I don't have much control over my powers. Like I said...a few weeks ago? I'm a quarter demon and quarter something that you haven't even encountered yet. No, I won't tell you what that is because I'm not fully sure of what it is myself. Anyway- hey, it's Dad." 

The two watch as John sits on Dean's bed, but he doesn't speak. He's only staring at Dean. They stand there for a moment watching him, but then Ollie realize that Dean is ranting about something. 

"Come on, Dad. You've gotta help me. I've gotta get better, I've gotta get back in there. I mean, you haven't called a soul for help. You haven't even tried. Aren't you going to do anything? Aren't you even going to say anything? I've done everything you have ever asked me. Everything. I have given everything I've ever had. And you're just going to sit there and you're going to watch me die? I mean, what the hell kind of father are you?" Dean looks so lost before he pauses, and Oliver assumes he hears the same thing that he does. However, he doesn't know if he can sense what it is. "What is that?" 

Dean goes into the hallway and an entity whooshes past him. He jumps back and looks at John. 

"I take it you didn't see that." Then he looks at his younger brother. "But you did?" He nods, already moving. 

The two of them stalk the spirit down the hallways. They both see it go into a back hallway where a woman is lying on the floor, choking. 

"Help! Help!" she cries out. 

"Hey! I need some help in here!" Dean shouts out, despite knowing by now that people can't hear him. 

"I can't...breathe," the woman gasps. She pants loudly, trying desperately to breathe, then starts to go limp. Dean is watching helplessly as her struggles start to slow, but Oliver's face screws up as he silently curses. A harsh kick to the wall, denting it, then shouting. 

"SOMEONE HELP! SHE'S GOING TO DIE!" he yells, and Dean looks at him with wide eyes. Several seconds later there are two doctors rushing toward the lady, trying to help her. Oliver starts walking away and Dean rushes after him. 

"Oliver, how did you do that?" 

"I've picked up a thing or two over the times this has happened," is the only explanation he gives, holding back the urge to yawn. 

The duo walk to John's room and watch him for a moment, only moving out of the way so that Sam can enter. He stalks into the room with a duffel bag and Dean immediately starts talking to him, no matter that he's been told several times that living people can't see him. 

"Sammy! Tell me you can friggin' hear me, man, there's something in the hospital. Now, you've got to bring me back and we've got to hunt this thing. Sam!" As expected, he is ignored. 

"You're quiet," John points out. Sam turns, fuming, and hurls the bag onto the bed with a crash. 

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"That stuff from Bobby, you don't use it to ward off a demon, you use it to summon one. You're planning on bringing the demon here, aren't you? Having some stupid macho showdown?!" 

"I have a plan, Sam." 

"That's exactly my point! Dean and Oliver are dying, and you have a plan! You know what, you care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own sons!" 

"No, no, no, guys, don't do this!" Dean pleads, and Oliver can't help but agree with him. 

"Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean." He doesn't even mention the youngest, but Ollie isn't surprised. Sure, it hurts a bit, but he's not biologically part of the family. Just a stray kid that Sam and Dean picked up off the street. 

"How? How is revenge going to help him? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself, it's the same selfish obsession!" 

"Come on guys, don't do this!" Dean tries to cut in again. 

"You know, it's funny, I thought it was your obsession too! This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend. You begged me to be part of this hunt. Now if you'd killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened." 

"It was possessing you, Dad, I would have killed you too." 

"Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now. So would the kid that you kidnapped!" 

"Shut up, both of you!" Dean yells. Oliver's fists are clenching and unclenching as he shakes slightly, the yelling setting off his fight or flight response. 

"Go to hell," Sam hisses. 

"I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake, I knew I was wrong -" 

"I said SHUT UP!


Dean smacks a glass of water off the table as both of them shout at the same time, and it goes flying, crashing to the floor. There's nothing but silence for a moment. Sam and John look at each other, confused about what just happened. Dean looks stunned. 

"Dude, I full-on Swayze'd that mother-" He suddenly crumples in pain, flickering. Nurses and doctors start running by in the hallway. Oliver's expression drops as his eyes widen, staring at Dean in fear. 

"What is it?" he asks, and gets a head shake in return. 

"Something's going on out there," John states, and he jerks his head indicating "Go find out" to Sam. 

Sam, Dean and Oliver dash down the hall to Dean's room. When they get there and freeze in surprise momentarily. Monitors are beeping, a doctor and some nurses are surrounding Dean, resuscitating him. 

"All clear," one says. 

"No..." Sam whispers. 

"Still no pulse," another one states. 

"Okay, let's go again, 360. 


Sam's standing in the doorway, crying and fidgeting; Dean finally notices that an apparition is floating above his body on the bed. 

"You get the hell away from me," he growls. He runs to the bed and faces the thing down, yelling. "I said get back!" 

Oliver notices that Sam blinks, looks confused, as if he's heard something. Could he have heard Dean yelling? 

Anyway, Ollie watches as Dean grabs for the spirit, momentarily latching onto it before it hurls him back and then soars out of the room. The monitors slow, quiet. 

"We have a pulse. We're back into sinus rhythm," a nurse says, and the sense of relief is almost physical. 

Dean runs into the hallway, looking for the spirit, and Oliver shakes his head as he watches, knowing that it's vanished. Sam sighs in relief and backs into the hallway, watching from there. Dean comes back, stands by him.

"Don't worry, Sammy. I'm not going anywhere. I'm getting that thing before it gets me. It's some kind of spirit, but I could grab it. And if I can grab it, I can kill it," he declares. Oliver can't help but scoff lightly at his logic. 

Dean walks away to wander the halls and the younger follows him, stretching a bit, almost as if his back were aching. Both stop short when they hear a girl yelling. 

"Can't you see me? Why won't you look at me?!" She shouts, and her fear is almost tangible. Dean glances back at the teen. 

"Now what?" He asks, and gets a shrug. 

"Somebody talk to me! Say something, please!" She exclaims. Dean walks to the girl cautiously, obviously having some sort of idea. Oliver stands on a step a few feet higher than where they are, giving some distance. 

"Can you see me?" the older asks slowly. The girl looks confused but nods. 


"All right, just, uh, calm down. What's your name?" 


"Okay, good, Tessa, I'm Dean." 

"What's happening to me? Am - am I dead?" She looks fearful, and Ollie narrows his eyes from where he's watching. 

"That sort of depends, " Dean states. He then thinks of something. "Where is your hospital room?" 

Tessa starts leading him to a room, and he glances back to his brother, and so starts following the two. 

When they eventually get to the room, Dean and Tessa stand outside a room, watching what is apparently Tessa's body, hooked up to tubes and machines. A woman sits by the bed, holding her hand. 

"I don't understand. I just came in for an appendectomy." 

"Well, I hate to bare bad news, but I think there were some complications," he says flatly. Tact really is not his strong point, huh? 

"It's just a dream, that's all. It's just a very weird, unbelievably vivid dream," Tessa says, looking like she may faint. 

"Tessa. It's not a dream." 

"Then what else could it be?" 

"You ever heard of an out of body experience?" 

"What are you, some new agey guy?" She asks. Dean looks unamused. 

"You see me messing with crystals or listening to Yanni? It's actually a very old idea. Got a lot of different names: Bilocation, crisis apparition, fetches... I think it's happening to us. And if it is, it means that we're spirits of people close to death." 

"So we're going to die?" 

"No. Not if we hold on. Our bodies can get better, we can snap right back in there and wake up." 

Tessa seems to accept the idea and turns, only to jump in surprise when she sees Oliver staring right at her. Dean turns too and raises an eyebrow at him. 

"Were you standing there the whole time?" Dean asks, and he nods. Tessa seems slightly scared. 

"Dean, who is this? And how can he see us?" She questions, and Oliver gives her a smile. 

"My name is Oliver, I'm Dean's younger brother. And I can see you because I'm also having an out of body experience, " he states, watching her reaction. He holds out a hand for her to shake, but she doesn't take it. 

"What's with your eyes?" Is Tessa's next inquiry, and Oliver's eyes narrow slightly at it before looking toward Dean for guidance. 

"Should we tell her?" He asks, and the older shrugs. 

"Might as well, but it's your choice and you're on damage control if she reacts poorly." 

"Fair enough." 

Ollie turns to Tessa and stares at her. "I'm part demon. No, the cross doesn't work on me." 

She seems stunned but nods slowly. "Okay then. I'll believe you, but only because of what's going on." 

A reluctant smile is offered to her, but nothing more.  

════ ⋆★⋆ ════ 

Some hours later, Oliver sends out a hesitant pulse of energy to see if Dean is nearby. He's in his room. Tessa is two rooms over from that. Nodding to himself as he looks skyward in consideration, he walks out of his room, sparing a glance at his unconscious, intubated body before walking out. He stretches fully once he's in the hall, arms raised and currently non existent upper spine popping. He seems relieved, relaxing a little as he lowers his arms and begins to walk, destination in mind. 

Tessa looks up as he enters the room, and he offers a smile before it drops from his face. 

"Oliver, what is it?" She asks, eyes wide, lips going pouty. The teen crosses his arms and looks at her. 

"Drop the act, Tessa. I know what you are, and you know what I am. You're a reaper," he states flatly. She nods, not denying it now that it was in the open. "And you're a forbidden hybrid." 

"Ding ding ding. Good job! You got it right!" the teen seethes before dropping the sarcastic act. "Yes, I'm a hybrid. You already knew this though, we've met before. You went by Terri, but we've still crossed paths. Stop trying to lure Dean into Death's grasp. You know that the Winchesters are incredibly important to the path this timeline takes and if you reap one before his time, then nothing will go right." 

Tessa stares at him apprehensively, sizing up how much of a threat he could be. 

"You seem to know a lot for a kid so young," she says, and gets a half shrug in return. A vague gesture behind him before crossing his arms. 

"I can hear them sometimes. I know some of their plans but nowhere near all of them. The Winchesters are important to the timeline, and to me. I won't lose my brothers before I have to." 

"It's odd, how you've already claimed them as your brothers, and they you. Even the eldest, John, has said that you're his son." 

"Family doesn't end in blood. And the Winchesters are my family in everything but. We're a team, and we're one that doesn't break up easily. Mess with one and you mess with all. That's why I'm warning you to stop trying to claim my brother's soul. It won't end well for you." 

"Is that a threat?" 

"It's a promise. Goodnight, Tessa." 

He turns after sending her a grin that seems to reveal too many teeth, and walks down the hall, leaving the reaper in the room by herself. 

════ ⋆★⋆ ════ 

"What do you mean, you felt something?" John asks skeptically. 

"I mean it felt like, like Dean, and Oliver. Like they were there, just out of eyeshot or something. I don't know if it's my psychic thing or what, it...but do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think their spirits could be around?" Sam looks at his father, feeling a little bit helpless. John shrugs. 

"Anything's possible." 

"Well, there's one way to find out." Sam's eyes get a determined glint in them and he starts to turn around. 

"Where are you going?" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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