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[Taking place in episode 1.20, Dead Man's Blood.  Yes, I've memorized most of the episode.  The next few chapters will also take place in 1.20]

Looking around, I see myself inside a bar.  Don't ask how I know what the inside of a bar looks like, because no way in Hell will I be telling that story.  As I look around again, see that I actually recognize the place. It's in...Manning, Colorado, I think, if my memory is right.  

I spot a guy turning the pages of what looks like a hunter's journal.

"Mr Elkins?" a barmaid asks gently.  But u don't think he heard her, he's completely focused on the journal.  

"Mr Elkins, would you like another?" she repeats.  He finally looks up.

"Yeah. Thanks Beth."

The vision blurs for a moment, and then I'm staring at the door of the bar.  A lady and three guys walk in. They look around before actually sitting at the counter.  I notice Elkins etching them. And I also notice that the girl is staring directly at me for a moment.  Won't lie, she's kinda cute, but not quite my type.

"What'll you have?" Beth asks them.  The lady smiles, and I feel uneased by it.

"Jack all around, leave the bottle," she demands.  Beth nods before asking, "You hungry?"

"We have dinner plans," the girl says, glancing at me and then at Elkins.  

I snap out of the vision, and stare at the ceiling.  It's gonna be a long night...


Dean's flipping through the newspaper, Sam's on his laptop, and I'm trying my best to sketch the four people that entered the bar in my vision.  I know them from somewhere.

Dean folds the newspaper loudly.  "Well dude. Not a decent lead in all of Nebraska. What've you got?"

Sam glances up.  "Well, I've been scanning Wyoming, Colorado, South Dakota. Here. A woman in Iowa fell 10,000 feet from an airplane and survived." 

"People can easily survive falls from that height if they calm themselves before hitting the ground instead of tensing up," I mutter.  Dean nods.

"Yeah.  Sounds more like 'That's Incredible' than, uh, 'Twilight Zone'."

"Yeah, okay." 

Dean smirks. "Hey you know we could just keep heading east. New York. Upstate. We could drop by and see Sarah again. Huh? 1.19 Provenance Cool chick man, smokin'." He whistles, making me roll my eyes.  These two may have saved me a few months ago, but I'm still not their favorite person, and they really aren't mine, either. "You two seemed pretty friendly. What do you say?" Dean continues.

Sam's turn to roll his eyes. "Yeah, I dunno, maybe someday. But in the meantime we got a lot of work to do Dean, and you know that." he glances at me, and I look back down at my notebook.

"Yeah all right. What else you got?" Dean demands.

"Ahh, man in Colorado, local man named Daniel Elkins, was found mauled in his home."

My head shoots up at the name.  Dean has a somewhat similar reaction. 

"Elkins? I know that name," he says.

"Doesn't ring a bell."

Dean keeps repeating the last name under his breath. 

"Sounds like the police don't know what to think. At first they said it was some sort of bear attack and now, they've found some signs of robbery." 

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