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"I remember when I awoke. I could see rain, but I could not feel it on my face. I looked to the sky and beheld darkness, broken only temporarily by flashes of light. A storm was sweeping across Inazuma, and not only the one that thundered above, but another across its land. I could feel, such sorrow, such fear. I could hear it, as fire spread, shouting, crying... my home, was being torn apart, just as it was back then. But the assailants were not of Abyssal Tooth and Claw, but wore the colors of the very land they called home. I had awoken to a land beset by its own people, ruled over by a Usurper, who had proclaimed suffering to her own people. And they called it..."

"...The Vision Hunt Decree, all citizens of Inazuma in possession of a Vision are hereby ordered to relinquish them into the custody of the Tenryou Commission, by order of the Almighty Shogun. Failure to comply with this Decree will mark you as fugitive to the law, and enemy to Eternity. Those who harbor fugitives of this Decree, will likewise be considered criminals."

The Tenryou Officer closed the scroll in his hands, looking over the gathered people of the town he had been sent to. He looked from one to the next, as two more Tenryou Soldiers stepped forward with baskets, but none of them expected it would be as simple as waiting for the people to do as they were told. There was a long silence, before a voice rang out from the crowd. 

"You can't do this, Visions aren't yours to take away!"

Another voice echoed theirs. 

"Yeah, this is absurd! My Vision isn't even an Electro Vision! The Archon may rule over Inazuma, but they aren't even the one who gave me this Vision!"

More voices cried out in protest, until the Officer's voice yelled over them. 

"This is not up for discussion! This is a direct Decree from the Raiden Shogun, you will turn in your Visions, or be branded an enemy of Inazuma. I have been sent to enforce this Decree, and one way or another, I will see it enforced. Whether that means each of you stepping forth and turning in your Visions, or me sending soldiers to chase you down, drag you to prison, and confiscate your Vision by force... that is ultimately up to you."

The people became quiet, only a few mumblings between them, before one person stepped forward, and held out their Vision. A long pause with silence hanging in the air, before they slowly turned their hand, allowing the Vision to slide from their palm, and into one of the baskets held by the soldiers. Soon another followed, and another. It seemed as though this would go more simply than the Officer had hoped. Until...

"You will never take my Vision from me, I don't care if the Shogun came her personally to take it, you can't have it!"

Someone from the crowd turned and ran, rushing to their home and slamming the door behind them. More people did the same, turning to run, to hide, to go wherever they could. With a long, heavy sigh, the Officer raised a hand, and made a motion forward. Soldiers started to march into the town, going after those who had fled. 

Doors were kicked in, people were dragged screaming from their homes. People tried to reason with the Soldiers, begging them... Some, even fought back, causing Soldiers to back off only long enough for specialist Soldiers with visions of their own to step forward and subdue them. From afar, it looked no different than as if the town was being raided by bandits.

On a hill nearby, a fox statue glowed with energy, watching over the town. Rain washed down over the land, and as the water trickled over the statue, one could almost mistake the drops of rain for tears. 

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