Chapter 1: The Listener

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The sun shined high in the sky as the Traveler stepped from the Waypoint Crystal. Stretching their arms above their head, they smiled as they looked around, happy to be back in a familiar place. Holding up a letter, they re-read through it to ensure they got the location right. It was an invitation to have some tea with an old friend, and they would never turn down the opportunity, even if they themselves could probably request such a thing whenever they wished. Moments later, walking down the street, they spotted their destination, and their host, raising an arm to give a wave in their direction.

Sitting at an outdoor table, with teacup in hand, was a man with brown hair, and fancy, yet professional attire. The man looked up from his tea, and a grin formed on his lips, as he placed the cup down, and raised a hand in greeting. 

"Traveler, how wonderful to see your travels have not yet been so taxing that you are incapable of smiling. Please, sit down. I hope you can forgive my impatience, when it comes to a good cup of tea, I find it hard to wait for my company to arrive before I get started."

With a nod, he made a motion to the seat opposite him, as Zhongli held that gentle smile he so often wore. The Traveler sat down in the offered seat, and a waitress walked by, asking them what they wanted. A short order later, the waitress walked off, and the Traveler looked to Zhongli. 

"Ah, you are probably curious why I asked you here. While I would say I need no more reason for such an invitation than to see a good friend, I wouldn't put it past you to already know there's more to it than that. I wished to catch up with you, ask your view on some rumors I have heard about your travels, and perhaps share some stories of my own."

The Traveler leaned back... it wasn't often they had to, or rather had the opportunity to speak for themself. With a smile, and a nod, the Traveler opened their mouth. 

"I'd spend time with you whenever you want. I've had a lot of help on my journey trying to find my sibling, but few have been as helpful as you. Even if you didn't really have any information that could help find them, you certainly helped me grow as a person during my time in Liyue."

Zhongli smiled again, not touching his tea as it felt rude to indulge when his guest could not do the same. "Full glad am I to hear it. In truth, I often wondered if I did enough for you. Given the perception you must have of me as an Archon, or rather, ex Archon... I felt that I did not offer enough to you for your real purpose. Saving Liyue as you did was well beyond the scope of what you had come to this place to do. Yet you did it without hesitation, and learned nothing of your sibling's whereabouts in the process. I do wish I had more to offer, but I hope an apology will suffice for the time being. An apology that I was not able to be of more help."

The Traveler shook their head at that. "I understand. I couldn't be mad at you just because you don't know something. After all you know just about everything else."

Zhongli let out a slightly embarrassed laugh. "If only that were true. I must sound all knowing the way I get carried away going on and on about the most mundane of things. It is to share some of that insight with you that I asked you here, though I promise it is of no small matter as the ideal climate for a flower to grow or any such thing. Tell me, I heard that there was an incident in Sumeru involving the creation of a God. I was curious... what sort of threat did this pose to you?"

The Traveler was surprised to hear that Zhongli knew about that, or that he was curious about it. "What... sort of threat? I guess looking back, it felt like this huge thing that was being built up to, like everything was leading into this big final confrontation. But when I faced off against them... I don't want to say it wasn't a challenge, it definitely was. But while it was a hard fight, it was just that, a fight. The only other time I've had to face a God was in Inazuma, where I fought the Archon there. I couldn't beat either on my own, but with a helping hand I was able to win."

Zhongli gave a slow nod, arms crossed as he listened to the response. "I thought as much." He turned his head, looking out to sea, toward the Stone Forest. "You have doubtless heard the story that those cliffs you can see there in the distance, were created by me. During the Archon War, I created and wielded spears so large, they became as mountains in time. Yet, today, even if I still had a Gnosis in my possession, I do not thing I would be capable of such a thing. I believe the mortal saying is, peace has made me soft. If you and I were to face off, I have no doubt I could put up quite the fight, and potentially come out as the victor. But I cannot say for certain. The Raiden Shogun... perhaps you have seen the results of her power. An entire island, rend in two by a single strike. Yet when you faced her, you were able to stand your ground for at least some time, is that not so?"

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