CHAPTER 1, when I saw you

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another year of torchure
"Walk faster!" My friend screamed at me "we're not late rylie also you're a person who never went to class on time what's wrong today then?" We stared at eachother for a moment and i knew what she's about to say "well, I wanna see if there are any cute guys in our class" she acted like she said nothing, yup she is a hopeless romantic indeed and I can't argue with her about it now. She held my hand and pulled me towards our class. We were giggling and laughing like a maniac on some jokes no one except us could understand


She really made me run. "I think that's our class"rylie pointed at the wooden door in front of us. We entered the class there was no one
"God dammit rylie we are too early", rylie looked at me and started laughing "it's not funny". We took our seat. I don't sit at the back nor at front just someone in the middle I didn't like attention at all.
Oh I forgot to introduce myself I'm June a average high schooler and i am definately not a "hopeless romantic."

Some classmates started to enter and rylie was only talking about how hot the basketball team members in our class were. One of them was staring at me. rylie told me his name was Alex. He's weird like weirdly weird. The class the about to start when another guy entered. He's cute but he looks like a damn 10 year old. He looked at me and I looked away as quick as I can.

The class had a introduction and I was only focused on that guys name.
His name is Max. Cute
He was cute but not quite my type still he was cute. He'll look so much better if he was maybe a footballer or something he needs to work on himself a lot.
Nevermind I don't care it's not like I have a crush on him or someone. well let's ignore the fact I could only focus on him during the entire class.

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