CHAPTER 6, goodbye?

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Is it the end already?
It's been a month since I last saw her, I miss her, I miss everything about her.. her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her dark brown hair and the way she kept them in a ponytail everything about her is just making me lose my senses and think about her all day all the time
Every hour every minute every second I think about her it's like I can't get her out of my mind.
She's not mine to have, I have darkness that consumes me i have a past that betrays me and everything that makes me run away from everyone.

"It's over between us, max" she said
"No, please I can't lose you" i begged her though I knew she cheated, she choose her best friend over me
Her fucking male best friend and i honestly wonder where did it go wrong? what did I even do to deserve this?
She didn't blocked me nor did I but know I have realised it wasn't love

I was lost in my thoughts when a notification popped up. IT WAS HER
She texted me. Is it a dream?
"It's not a dream dumbo" she replied
I recalled leaving a note on Instagram "is this a dream?"
Wow never thought she would actually text but it's pretty awkward to be honest.
Well I guess I'll spend the rest of the night looking at her text.

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