CHAPTER 5, the smiley girl?

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Without her I'm like a heart with no beat
It's been a week since I last saw her, I guess it's the end and I'll never see her again.
Currently I'm sitting with Jeremy just talking about how much we love our loved one. "What about the smily girls you saw a year ago max?"
The smily girl?
"I'll win bro there's no way you can beat me in badminton" said my friend "we'll see about that" i started the match with him. I doing my best, well i was winning actually when I started to feel something, a presence I've never felt it was a like I was feeling alive again
It was the first time I saw her, her smile was everything, so bright that I wanna protect it forever. I could hear her small giggles but I never saw her face completely. I have never felt this way

"That presence, that shine, that giggles I have heard them once again." I spoke out of the blue as Jeremy looked at me in confusion
Was June? The smily girl? She has the same voice the same presence and she effects me the same way the girl at the park did.
"June, I think she's the smily girl", and how are you so sure Max?" Jeremy asked. I knew I was just sure it was her "presence"
After explaining for a while we came to a conclusion that June could be the smily girl
Jeremy still didn't believed me but I knew I was sure about her
She's the mind, the one who got my mind wrapper around her.
She has to be the one

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