CHAPTER 7, the text

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He left me on seen.
I gathered up the courage to text him just to be left on seen.
Gosh I feel so embarrassed right now. I just wanna disappear
It's been such a long time. Maybe I should have texted him. I mean my current toxic boyfriend would definitely not like me texting him.
Yes I'm in a relationship I don't want to be in. it's been months since we started dating, he's cute but toxic, like really toxic. He gets mad over small things and my mental health right now is definitely not okay though I always say I'm fine but I really wanna die and just get over everything.
"Who's that guy you just texted" my boyfriend asked me as if he owns me. "He's just a friend we barely talk" I knew he'll be mad "don't you dare text him ever again you understood?"
I replied with just a nod I'm too hurt to speak
I just wanna go home.

I just wanna die.
I'm so done with my life right now. I'm in a toxic relationship, my parents words are more than enough to make the matter worse and my life is fucked up and filled with large amount of fake friends back bitching about me.
Arson, my boyfriend makes matter worse by fighting each and every day. My ex best friend Charlotte threatens me everyday.
And i have no one to talk to. The thought of max keeps taking over my brain I don't why.
Why am I still alive? I wonder if it'll make any difference if i died.

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