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And I have a feeling it was not just a Random text, it was a i-was-thinking-about-you-nonstop text. We had a small conversation, some "deep talks".
But it was so calming.
I wonder what'll happen will it turn out to be a text I regret replying or a text that'll make my life.
"Heyy" my best friend hugged me bringing me back from my delulu thoughts. "Heyyy Gabriel, so good to see you babyyy."
P.s I'm straight
"What were you thinking bitch? I called you so many Times you deaf or what?" Should I tell her? Hell yeah I should. "There's a guy" 
SHE JUST PUNCHED ME "A guy!? You know your ex gave you life time trauma and trust issues and there's a guy now!? Who is he!?" She said. Oops "well he was in my class, his name is Max and he's i don't know cute" i replied showing her his picture.
A picture of him with the perfect jawline the perfect skin his brown heavenly eyes and his perfect hair
"Chehra to bache varga lagta hai"
"His face looks like a kid"

Wtf. A kid? Are you serious? He doesn't looks like a kid ain't no way. She looked at me and stared at me for a minute before saying "tell me more about him"
And the gossip started.

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