CHAPTER 8, the asthma attack

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I texted my friends and boyfriend and I broke my inhaler.
Yes I have to use a inhaler cause I tried to trigger my asthma. Thankyou, arson.
I started to have trouble in breathing at midnight, my inhaler is broken....
My eyes started tearing up.

I woke up next day, alive I dont know
Apparently my parents heard me struggling and they had an extra inhaler for emergencies.
Arson texted me "what happened why the hell were you not online yesterday"
All I could remember was
Inhaler broken
Arson cheating
Tears rolling down my cheeks
I replied to arson "I fell asleep sorry" he didn't trusted me
I didn't have the energy to explain so I just heard him speaking shit about me again.
"I'm done we're breaking up, June" what the fuck
I'm so done right now "ok we're done"
I blocked him.
That's it? Was that the end of my love life? Will I ever be able to love someone again?

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