Chapter 8

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No one's POV

A loud cheer erupted from the Canterlot side as Luna pointed her hand towards Misty who had her head hung a little. Twilight and Misty went down as their friends hugged them both and cheered for Twilight and comforted Misty.

River Stream: Time to announce the winners of the first event. The scores are:

1. Robot building- Cloudsdale High

2. Baking- Canterlot High

3. Bird- House building- Cloudsdale High

4. Spell Bee- Tie

5. Rapid fire- Canterlot High

6. Mathematics- Canterlot High

Luna: So, the winners of the first event are Canterlot High School!

There was loud cheer from the students even the Cloudsdale students were cheering for them except Lightning Dust, Score, Hoops and Dumbbell who were annoyed.

Crystal: Congratulations students! Well done.

Celestia: Great work students we're proud of you and Cloudsdale High you did wonderful as well. I bet you're all tired so choose a student to stay with or if you want a hotel room approach us.

Crystal: The next event will be tomorrow afternoon after lunch. And your schedule will be sent through email. And this goes for Canterlot students too as you will have a temporary change in your schedule. Dismissed!

As soon as they were dismissed the students started mingling with each other trying to find a person to host them while some went to the principals.

The main seven along with Thunderlane were talking with the Cloudsdale gang and deciding who will share their house with whom.

Soarin: Guys I loaned a big house in the Rich Street that will be enough for us if we bunk two in a room. Or if you want you can bunk in others' house too.

After hearing Soarin's suggestion they all started their banter but Dash was the most excited 'cause she lived in that street.

Dash: That's great Soarin! I live in the same street.

Everyone was cheering and high fiving each other. They all were so happy to hear this. They all decided to stay in the house Soarin loaned. Everyone went to the Rich Street with Soarin the lead so that they can reach the house. Even the rest of main 7 followed them to take a look as they all became friends. It took them five minutes to reach the house only to realize it was right next to Rainbow's house.

Soarin: Here we are.

Rainbow: No way! It's right next to my house!

She exclaimed cheerfully pointing to a house right next the Soarin's manor which is as big as his house. Soarin just smiled sweetly which made her feel butterflies in her stomach. They all went inside to take a look and was amazed at the interior, it was really luxurious. There was a very big kitchen with a long dining table, Living room with cozy couches and a big TV, a door leading to a vast backyard. There were 7 bedrooms, 6 with two beds and a walk-in closet and a bathroom, 1 master bedroom and a guest bedroom and a balcony. And an office and there was an indoor swimming pool too. This house was really big a week stay but it was not a big deal to Soarin.

Fleet: Woah! Dude you really went all out with house.

Spitfire: I agree don't you think it's a little too much?

Fire Streak: I bet it cost at least $500,000

Soarin: Actually it cost $750,000 but it's no big deal

Rarity: No big deal!? No big deal!?

She grabbed him by the collar and kept shaking him. The main 7 were laughing while shaking their heads at their friend's outburst while others were dumbfounded.

AJ: Rarity y'all might wanna stop

Sunset: Yea look at his face it looks like he has seen a ghost.

To be honest poor Soarin was scared for his life when he saw the look on her face. His eyes were wide and he was speechless.

Rarity: Ooops... sorry

She said a sheepish smile and her cheeks were dusted in pink with embarrassment. And as soon as she let him go he stepped a huge step back. He made a mental note to always be aware of Rarity and not to mess with her. She's even scarier than Rainbow but he wouldn't bet on that. He went to Dash and whispered

Soarin: Damn Dash, your friend is crazy

She just giggled and patted his back and started laughing followed by the others soon joined by Soarin. They all spend their time talking, telling stories and jokes laughing from time to time, they ordered lots of pizza too. They didn't even realise the time fly by as they were having lots of fun.

Rainbow: ......and that is how Twilight became our friend

Blaze: Wow that actually happened?

High Winds: That's so cool

Others: Agreed!

Thunderlane: I really think we should head home. We have school tomorrow and it's already 8 pm

Silver: Since when are you are you the one to care about that?

They all shared a laugh but agreed that it's late and everyone left and the others went to their shared rooms. Rainbow and Soarin were the only one left in the living room. They talked some more to catch up and when it was time to leave, Soarin walked he to the door.

Rainbow: I'm really glad you're here Soarin. I missed you so much. Promise me that we'll lose touch again?

She held out her pinky finger, Soarin smiled at her and interlaced his finger with hers.

Soarin: I promise Dashie. Sorry about the before years I was really busy, but from on I'll promise to make time for favorite girl.

He said while playfully pinching her nose making her giggle and push hand away while wining. Then they both shared a big hug. After Rainbow left to her house, Soarin locked the front door and turned around with a big smile on his face sighing. But when he turned around he was met with the smirking faces of all his friends. Girls had their hands on their hips and boys crossed their arms under their chest. Soarin doesn't know what those smirks were for but he what he do know is that whatever it is it's not gonna pretty.

Soarin: What?

On the other side Dash entered her room to find her parents watching TV in the living room. She hugged them and wished them a good night while kissing their cheeks before heading up to her room to call it a day. She changed her clothes to some comfy pajamas and went to close the curtains. While doing so she saw Soarin through the open window as their rooms were right across from each other Soarin also saw her when was closing his window they both waved at each other and closed their windows with big smile on their faces wondering what tomorrow will bring them.

But little did they know someone was watching their every move......



Word count: 1,178

Hey guys! An early update. Even myself can't believe it. Hope you like this chapter!

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Bye now...

Love you all 💕💕💕

Shayla signing off....


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