Chapter 9

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Soarin's POV

I woke up early today morning to bake some cupcakes for Dash's parents. We were really close when they were in Cloudsdale, they used to treat me like I'm their own son and I really enjoyed the company since my parents were mostly on business trips more often than Dash's parents. Our families were really close and they were also business partners since both of them own international and rich companies.

I didn't have the chance to meet them yesterday and I heard from Dash that they're here for 2-3 weeks or a month before going for work as they want to spend time with her but they'll still work from home. I wanted to meet them before going to school but I can't go empty handed that's why I'm making cupcakes. I would have made a pie but I know Dash don't like them that's why I decided on cupcakes.

I must tell you yesterday was really amazing as I got to meet my best friend after almost 5 years and not only me we all were but after Dash left I got endless teasing from the gang, it was something alright.


After Rainbow left I closed the door with a smile on my face while sighing contently but when I turned I was met with the smirking faces of my friends and I got confused as to why they were smirking but deep down I knew why.

Soarin: What?

Spitfire: Oh don't 'what' us Soar.

She said with a sly look on her face and I was getting a little uncomfortable like something is about to go down.

Surprise: Oh it is don't worry

She said with a smug look and I was dumbfounded. How did she- did I say my thoughts out loud?

Surprise: Nope

Soarin: Then how did yo-

Surprise: I have my ways

She just shrugged and grinned at me and its really starting to get weird. How can she do that, I mean reading minds. Is she a psychic? She has already done that sometimes but the others just let her be, cause she's really hard to understand at least I hope her cousin is not like her.

Rapid: Sooo.....

Soarin: So what?

Blaze: Your favorite girl huh?

Okay I don't like where this convo is going

Fleet: Ouch I'm hurt

She said dramatically placing a hand on her chest like it hurt and falling on Spitfire who just pushed her leading Fleet to end up on the floor. Everyone was laughing except me I wanted to get out of this conversion so I tried to sneak past them when they were busy laughing at Fleet who was acting like she was dead but High Winds caught me. Curse you High!

High: Where do think you're going Mr. Skies?

She asked teasingly while crossing her arms causing everyone to look in my direction. I looked at the staircase a little far away behind and back at them they were all watching me. Then suddenly I sprinted towards the staircase.

Silver: Get him!

That's all I heard before I was stopped by Surprise who just popped in front of me just as I reached the stairs. How the heck did she come here so fast? I turned around to find all my friends surrounding me. Well I guess there's no way out of this so I just sat on the ground with an annoyed face with my friends around me.

Soarin: What do you guys want?

Wave: Oh you know what we want

Soarin: We are not having this conversation again. I'm not in love with Dash. She's just a really great friend, end of the story.

I said as I stood up and went to my room. My friends looked like they were about to kill me but I didn't care. Just when I thought I can finally get some peace my best friends that is Wave, Rapid, Spits, Fleet and Surprise barged in my room and were teasing me endlessly about my so- called love for her. I know me lying about not liking her won't get me anywhere cause these 5 can read me like a book. So I just accepted my defeat and sat there trying to keep my sanity


We've already had that talk for I don't know how many times since we were in elementary school. The truth is I do sorta have a teeny tiny crush on her but I'm not gonna accept it soon because I already get enough teasing from them as such. And the most ridiculous thing is they even had a fan club back in elementary school and its name was called something like.... Uh... SoarinDash? Yea I think that's it. Thank goodness Dash didn't know about that then it would have been really awkward and embarrassing. By the way can you believe Flutters and Thunder were a part of it too. And will you believe me if I say the whole gang were our hard core shippers? Well I find it all childish to be honest. I mean who ships people in real life?

Well anyway I finished frosting the cupcakes and I packed them. My friends are not awake yet so I left a note about my whereabouts and took my house keys and to Dash's and I knocked on her door. I know her parents usually wake up early so I don't need be worried about disturbing them. I heard the door unlocking and I was greeted by Bow Hot Hoof, Dash's father. He's a really great and funny guy. He's always a little dramatic when it comes to encouraging his daughter, and really calm and collected person but when it comes to Dash he can be scary as fuck.

Soarin: Hello Mr. Hot Hoof

Bow: Soarin is that you?

He asked a little surprised. I just smiled and nodded. He had a big smile on his face and he welcomed me with a big hug. I missed him.

Bow: Dash told you and your friends came here yesterday. We thought of coming over today after school. Come on in kiddo. Windy look who's here!

After I went inside I saw Windy walking out of the kitchen and she looked really happy when she saw me. She gave a hug as well and kissed me on my forehead.

Windy: Aww look at how much you've grown. You're more tall and handsome. The last time I saw you was three years ago when we were on a business trip. Oh and you must stay for breakfast and I won't take no for an answer.

She told as we sat on the kitchen counter to talk. I just smiled and nodded because I know better than to argue with them

Bow: Yep, so how is your carrier going kid?

Soarin: It's going great actually. It feels great to actually catch a break. Being a celebrity is really exhausting and time consuming.

He just laughed at my reaction and we continued talking and laughing catching up with each other while Windy was making breakfast and talking to us. It was really great to be talking to them again. They didn't change a bit. We were having fun until we heard a loud noise like something crashing come from the stairs.


Word count: 1,228


Hey guys! Sorry it took a while. I was busy with school work and all. But here's a chapter finally. I know this chapter is not much I thought adding some more but then I noticed I don't have enough time so I just cut shorted. It maybe boring so forgive me. Some chapters may go a little plain for now to build up the story to the plot but once we get to the real story there will be a lot of drama, heartbreak, villains etc. So stay tuned....

Thank you all for your patience and support.💕

Don't forget to vote and comment and let me know how this chapter was.💕

Love you guys!❤❤

Until next time.....

Shayla signing off......


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