Chapter 10

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Dash's POV

I woke up because of some loud laughter coming from downstairs. I turned to look at my clock only to see I was up earlier for once. That explains why I feel so sleepy. I was walking groggily downstairs clutching my blanket to yell at probably whoever was responsible for that loud laughter. When I was about to walk down the stairs my sleepy mind suddenly recognized the voice of a certain navy- blue haired boy. I was suddenly wide awake and tripped on my blanket and fell and crashed down the stairs pretty roughly. My head was spinning but I can hear footsteps running towards me and someone grabbing my hand and helping me stand up. My vision was still a bit blurry so I shook my head a little to clear my vision. And when I looked to see who was supporting me I was met with a beautiful pair of emerald green eyes staring at me with concern. Oh god it's Soarin! Embarrassing! Guess they were right to call me Rainbow Crash, but I'll never accept that out loud though.

Soarin: Are you okay Dash?

He asked with concern dripping in his voice and I nodded while laughing sheepishly. My mom was quietly fangirling at the interaction. I also regained my balance and stood on my own.

Dash: Anyway watcha doing here Soar?

Soarin: I just wanted to visit your parents that's all and they told me to stay for breakfast.

Dash: Oh okay

I said with a smile.

Bow: But Dashie what are you doing awake this early and crashing down the stair? This is so unlike you.

Soar also nodded in agreement and looked at me curiously but before I could reply my mom cut me off.

Windy: Maybe she woke up because she heard her "best friend's" voice and was so captivated that she couldn't feel her feet?

She said while emphasizing and doing air quotes to the words best friend. I was standing there with my jaw dropped looking like a tomato. My dad was trying to stifle his laughter and closed my hanging mouth, while Soarin was looking at me with pure amusement and trying not to laugh at my reaction. I can't believe she said that! She's so gonna hear it from me I think she got the message from the way I was glaring at her.

Dash: Mooooom!

She looked like she didn't just embarrass me and was looking like a pure innocent I growled but before I could say or do anything

Soarin: so you think my voice is charming huh Dashie?

He teased me while winking and leaned in close to my face. My mom and dad lost it and started laughing at my face and Soarin was smirking. Unbelievable! This is not the same sweet little boy I once knew. I pushed his face away by his nose while saying

Dash: Don't flatter yourself  

Soarin also joined my parents in the laughter soon followed by me. We were just joking around in the dining room while eating breakfast just like old times till it was time to go get ready. Soarin was already ready so he was with my parents in the living room. Honestly I was scared to leave him alone with my parents afraid they'll embarrass me even further than they already did.

I got ready as quickly as I can grabbing my things but when I went downstairs I found Spitfire and Fleet there too laughing with my parents at a poor Soarin who looked flustered for who knows what reason.

After saying goodbye to my parents we all decided to walk to school as we had plenty of time and I was up early for once in my life. When we got to school my friends were really surprised to see me early. I mean what the heck is everyone's problem? Anyway after a while of messing around it was time for classes. We all received our temporary schedule in the mail yesterday and to our surprise all of us had the SAME classes. So I'm stuck with my friends all day. Even though it sounds tempting I know better than that but nevertheless I am happy though. All the classes went by smoothly with me mostly sleeping but you don't need to know that.

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