Chapter 6

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Randy's POV

"How?" I ask.

"After school, bring her over to your house, to watch a movie after watching the movie...ask her." Howard says.

"How do you know so much about girls?" I ask.

"My sister Heidi, she's dated like, ten guys. She knows how to ask them out." Howard says.

"Okay...I'll go ask her." I say.

"Now?" Howard says. "Okay. Good luck."

I walk over to Ran who is eating in the food hole. She's eating nachos.

"Hey Ran?" I yell.

"Hey Randy, what's up?" Ran says.

"I was wondering...if you wanted know? Come over to my house tomorrow to watch a movie or some thing?" I ask.

"Sure...I think that would be really fun!" Ran says.

"Thanks. Come over at seven okay?" I say.

"Sure." Ran says. "Say, can I come play video games with you and Howard?"

"Sure." I say.

Ran's POV

I can't believe Randy asked me out! Me! Of all people! This is going to be great! I mean...he didn't exactly ask me out, but he invited me over! That's a start...I have to tell him that I like him. Tomorrow night. At the end of the movie. Maybe...if things go well, then I'll show him I'm the blue ninja.

We play video games at the 'game hole.' For a couple more hours! Would you believe that Howard can play grave puncher three for an hour straight and only get one hundred points! Well it happened.

**Ran's date with Randy**

"Thanks for letting me over Randy." I say.

"No problem. I just thought that it would nice if we got to know each other." Randy says.

He starts staring at me. It's kind of creepy, but nice. I think he likes me. I hope he does.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask.

"Legend of the lost souls." Randy says.

"I love that movie!" I say. "It's like...the cheese. I love the ending."

"Same here." I say.

We watch the movie, and it's pretty great. The end is awesome, two star crossed lovers exploring this un known land. And they risk everything for each other and all that.

"You know what Randy?" I ask.

"What Ran?" Randy says.

"You know since I know your secret? I think you should know mine." I say.

"What is it?" Randy asks.

"Close your eyes." I say.

"Okay." Randy says. He closes his eyes and I put my ninja mask on.

"Okay Randy, open your eyes." I say. He opens them and his eyes go wide.

"Your the blue ninja?" Randy asks.

"Yeah. And your the red ninja right?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says. He takes out his ninja mask and puts it on. In seconds he turns into the red ninja.

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, I should have told you when I found out you were the red ninja, I'm sorry. I really am-" I say.

And there it is. He kisses me. On the lips. And it lasts for like, at least five seconds, maybe ten.

"Randy...I...thought you were mad!" I say.

"I wasn't mad." Randy says. "I never was."

"So are we like...boy friend-girl friend now?" I ask.

"I guess so." Randy says.

"What are we going to tell Howard?" I ask.

"The truth." Randy says.

"Can we not tell anybody else? I've always been really shy about relationships." I say.

It's true I have. One time this guy asked me out, in like, grade six. He was in grade eight though. I don't know why I ever dated him. Anyways, he made our relationship public and I got so embarrassed I broke up with him.

"Well...don't be." Randy says.

And we kiss again, and again. This is probably the best day of my life.

"Thanks Randy, for everything." I say.

"Thank you too." Randy says.

Randy's POV **The next day at school**

"Okay Nomicon, me and Ran are dating. What do you think of it?" I ask.

I open up the Nomicon and it shloops me into it. I'm in another Japenese dojo, I see a red ninja and a blue ninja fighting each other. Then the red ninja gets stabbed. And drops dead.

Then the Nomicon's weird letters appear, New allies only result in new danger.

"I don't care what you say, I'm gonna keep dating Ran, and there's nothing you can do about it." I say.

The blue ninja throws a sword at me and I shloop out of the Nomicon.

"Randy!" Dane says.

"What?" I ask.

"No sleeping in class." She says.

"Yes, miss Dane." I say.

I put the Nomicon back into my bag and try to focus on the lesson. But I can't...all I can think about is what happened with Ran. Does she still like me? I just had to kiss her didn't I? I could have just asked her out.

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