Chapter 13

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Randy's POV

Ran had powers? And most important of all...she's related to the sorcerer!?! I guess I can't think on any of these now, I have to train.

We train for the whole day! The first ninja shows me some new techniques, the other blue ninja shows Ran some stuff. And Howard came over to watch us. But mostly to chat with plop-plop.

When we finally finish everyone's tired. Including first ninja. Honestly, I never though he would ever get tired.

And I'm so glad that me and Ran are good now.

"So guys. I know that we still need to do lots of training, but we need to make up a plan." Ran says.

"There doesn't really have to be a plan, all we have to do is try our best." I say.

"Yes. But we also need the Tengu. The Tengu and the red ninja are forever linked." First ninja says.

"Now we just need someone willing to be possessed by the Tengu." The other blue ninja says. Turns out his name is En. And the first ninjas name is Con, weird names, but whatever.

Everyone looks at Howard.

"Fine. But I want to actually control myself this time okay?" Howard asks.

"Deal." I say.

"So the comet comes by at exactly three, which is right when school ends. Correct?" Con asks.

"Yes." Ran says.

"So I'll bring you guys food everyday, it'll be mostly protein stuff. And all day everyday we'll train. Sounds good?" I ask.

"Sure." Everyone says in unison.

Ran's POV

Since we're training all day, me and Randy have no time for us.

But the good thing is, I've found out all of my powers. I have Telekinesis, which means I can move things with my mind. I have mind reading powers, which means I can read people's minds. And the best of all, I have the power of flight.

And I'm pretty sure Randy's jealous. I mean I know he's always wanted to fly.

We've been training for a day, and I'm pretty sure that we're far from ready. I mean, we are not ready!

School's going normal as usual, people getting stanked. Well not normal. Normal for Norisville.

It's...Tuesday. Tuesday morning. The school bell just rang, and we're in Mr.Bannisters class.

"Now class, please welcome a new student! His name is...Chris Williams." He says.

Then a short kid with black hair and green eyes walks in. He kind of looks like a mini, skinnier Howard. But with black hair and green eyes.

"You can sit beside Ran. Since she's new too." Mr.Bannister says.

"Chris?" I ask. I raise my hand so he sees me.

He walks over to the desk beside me and sits down. He smells. So bad. Like...and old woman.

But then I notice all of the girls in the class are staring at him. It's like there in some sort of trance. I mean he's cute...but not that cute. I don't see why every girls staring at him.

**Time skip to lunch**

"Something's wrong with at kid. It's like every girl goes into a trance every time he walks in the room." I say.

"Yeah, maybe he's just got charm. Like me." Howard says.

"Howard, you are anything but charming." Randy says.

"I think he's charming." Debbie says.

"Of course you do, your his girl friend." I say.

"Hey guys, do you mind if I sit with you?" Chris asks.

"Sure." Debbie says.

Chris has to sit with us. I honestly don't like him. But every other girl does.

"So Chris, where did you live before Norisville?" I ask.

"It was...Canada." Chris says.

"Hey Ran?"

Who's this?

"The sorcerer. Who else would it be?"

What do you want?

"I want you to surrender. Give up. We can rule the world together."

No way! I'm just going to shut you out for now.

I try to focus so that I can't hear people's thoughts, and it's working. That's when I realize Chris is staring at me.

"Uh, can I help you?" I ask.

"No, I was just thinking. About Friday." Chris says.

"What about Friday?" Randy asks.

"There's a bonfire on Friday at this school." Chris says.

"Oh...yeah. The bonfire." Howard says rolling his eyes.

Then a robot bull crashes into the cafeteria. Everyone runs away except for me and Randy.

"Let's fight this thing." I say.

"Gladly." Randy says.

We put on our ninja masks, and soon we're ninjas. I decided that it would be a good idea to use my powers while fighting monsters.

We chase it out to the school yard. So everyone can watch us.

I try to use my telekinesis powers and it starts working. But then right when Randy's about to finish the bull, I get thrown back. Someone's using telekinesis on me.

Randy tries stabbing the bull with his sword, but he gets thrown back as well.

I use my flight powers. And whoever was messing with me can't anymore.

I finish off the monster. But I'm still left wondering...who else has telekinesis powers?

"Smoke bomb!" Me and Randy yell in unison.

When we walk back into the school it's already History class. And we're on our way there now.

"That was so Bruce!" Chris says.

"Yeah. The ninjas were pretty great." I say.

"I think the ninjas were sloppy." Howard says.

Me and Randy glare at Howard, and I use telekinesis to make Howard trip.

Then we all start laughing. Including Chris.

"No who's sloppy?" Randy asks.

"Very funny." Howard says. He's annoyed, but wait...what's that? That's me, not caring.

Our History teacher, Mr.Jake. He's obsessed with History. Every time I ask a question, he gives a twenty minute long lecture on it.

"Now can anyone tell me what they know about the Norisu nine?" He asks.

No. He can't talk about the Norisu nine. I'm a Norisu. He'll ask too many questions that I'm not allowed to give the answers too.

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