Ragatha vs Playtime RAP BATTLE

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You can read/sing this to whatever tune you want.

(Verse 1: Playtime)

I wanna play with someone! But who?
Oh hello, Ms. Licorice Hair. I think you'll do!
You're nothing more than doll; perfect for me to toy with!
I'll tear you apart before you can get your fabled notebook fifth!

Almost a decade since creation, and I'm still super famous!
Me and my friends are from MSPaint, but you still cannot flame us!
You're just a doll who's got not balls, literally, figuratively and all,
so your chance at victory is small; the audience you will appall!

Bet you'll get heckled before even one quarter of your rap,
even though with that much you can buy a soda to get Baldi slapped!
Your rap will be less pleasant than the real angry teacher's huffing,
'cuz like you, your verse will just be filled to the brim with stuffing!

(Verse 2: Ragatha)

Woah woah woah, are you sure we have to fight like this?
You seem nice... I don't wanna ruin a potential friendship.
Please stop rapping, I'd like it if you would be a doll like me,
because if you keep rapping like this, I think you might scare Pomni.

Your design's a bit of a fixer-upper, but it could be redone well!
I can help you better your life; trust me, you'll be able to tell!
So can we please not fight like this? That's just not my kind of thing.
Any other bars you spit make my feelings really sting.

(Verse 3: Playtime)

Okay, wow. I was right. That was absolutely trash!
Go back to your toy's failure in the Wall Street Market Crash!
You're clingy as hell, you won't leave Pomni alone,
and you're always makin' male fans as hard as a stone!

Both you and your show are the ultimate bore!
I learn the 3 Rs; your only R is 34!
Your fans were so uninterested they made their own content,
most of which was you doing 18+ in the wrong type of tent!

Your sanity's hanging by a thread; don't think we forgot!
Just with my rapping, said loose thread could be quite easily caught!
I can't wait to see you cry, 'cuz I'll keep your tears in a cup!
When it comes to rapping, oops! You messed up!

(Verse 4: Ragatha)

Okay, fine. You want a fight? Here: You look like you've LONG abstracted.
What on earth is with your hair? Did that style get [REDACTED]?
I'm not Kaufmo-ing around when I say you're going down,
because I'm bound to take the crown for "Queen of Rap Battle Town"!

Really? A skipping rope? How 'bout instead, some jumping Jax?
It fits you, 'cuz you're a jerk like him, and you both can't relax!
Get the scissors; I'm not gonna be roped into your idiocy!
But you don't know that word; your school has taught you ZERO literacy!

The show I'm in has taken over the internet, face it!
Your game is old news, and there's no way that you can save it!
Every day you go to a school that likes to help with learning,
but you aren't learning squat! You're always just calorie-burning!

Go ahead and use on me your laughable rapping skills, girl.
Not even 1st Prize would be impressed when you give raps a whirl!
But I'm not gonna tell you what you should do and shouldn't do,
because you won't need it in The Cellar I just kicked you into!

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