where am I?

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*several hours later....*
I sit up, my head pounding. Confusion filled the air
What happend?
Where am I?
When am I?
I see some men in the distance and I called them over, as they grew closer I noticed somthing. They were in uniform. My one weakness. They come up to me and say in a German accent "who are you and state your business" but before I could respond, one of them had already hit me in the back of my head with a gun, I passed out.

*few more hours later*

My headache was even worse, I groan in pain. I look around my surroundings and realise that I'm in some sort of jail cell, I shout for help. No one responds. I heard footsteps. Within seconds a man appears infront of my cell. My new hire? Why was he here? Did he also use the time machine?

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