the question

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I had the plan in my head, ask him to come back to the future with me, we could be truly together in my time line, but what if he said no? What would become of my relationship? And what would the citizens of America think? Would this help with the next election? It was a risk for sure, but I would take any risk for him, he is my love. My one and only.

I open my mouth to speak, but before any words could leave mh mouth his lips were crashing against mine, it was violent, but oh so passionate, the world around me went silent, all I could hear was the sound of me and hitler vigorously making out, it was intense

I fall backwards and land on my bed, he lands ontop of me, I look up blushing slightly and say "adolf~" I say his name gently and calmly but with a sence of urgency and a sence that I could never be away from him away, I don't care about the next election, who needs to be president of America when you could be back in 1942 with someone you love unconditionally?

Hitler looks down at me and says In his sexy and seductive voice "your mine trump..." I felt myself go hard with that sentence, we both noticed, I mean it was hard not to,
Hitler looks down at my face, then down at my croch and then giving me a sly smirk "let me take care of that donald~" he says

I felt myself throbbing, I'd never done anything else like this before, but I was willing to try, for him, I would do anything for him, my love for Adolf Hitler had no bounds,

I want to marry him. Now. I want to spend the rest of my life like this. In his arms, and his arms only.

Trump And Hitler, A Forbiden Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now