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The moment the door closes behind her I know it's a mistake to let her go, but I can't make myself go after her. Would she even come back if I asked her to? Probably not, I'd been pretty nasty to her when all she'd been was kind and caring.

A familiar dragon roars in the distance, but unlike at the fair, this roar was full of frustration and sadness.

I'm not sure why I was being like this to her, or why I even cared that I'd hurt her. We've known each other less than a week and yet she was acting like we've known each other all our lives. Not even Yelena acted like this with me.

But Elias isn't Yelena.

Yelena isn't here. She's alive and married and about to be a mom. She's happy and she would absolutely kick my ass if she saw the way I was behaving towards Elias.

Who is also married. And I'd had sex with her.

My gaze drifts over to the little box on the counter and I pick it up again, looking at the little list of warnings before going to my trash can and throwing it away. It was kind of her to consider that I'd need it, but it just reminded me even more that I didn't.

Sighing, I look at the mess on my counters. It looked like she'd pulled everything from my fridge and had every intention of cooking it all. Popping open the fridge, I start shoving things back in, shaking my head at all the unnecessary things she had magically ordered.

Who needed three different kinds of cheeses? A blackberry and regular syrup follows the milk, along with yogurt, orange juice, sliced ham, eggs, bacon, bagels, jelly, more fruit, some kind of large leafy vegetable and a single grapefruit.

When I was done the fridge looked like a toddler went shopping, but it was full again and my counters were clean.

Aside from the single yellow flower in a small vase that Elias had given me yesterday. How she knew that my favorite color was yellow I had no idea, but I couldn't help the small smile that tugged at my lips as I looked at it.

God I'd fucked everything up.

The smile turns to a frown as I remember how sad her eyes had looked before she'd left. How dejected her voice had been when she told me that I could still die here. How she'd basically begged me to eat.

I open the fridge again, looking at the random foods and my stomach churns at the sight. I hadn't been lying when I told her that I do eat, I just don't eat much and sometimes I forget altogether.

Growing up in the Red Room food had been used as a motivator, given as a reward and taken as a punishment. Even when I'd escaped and made it to the Avengers and SHIELD where there was always food, I still was stuck in the same headspace.

Sure I'd get food with the team but I'd only take a few bites and pass it off to one of the boys who always seemed to be hungry. After the blip when food was scarce for a while, I'd donate most of mine to the orphanages in town, only keeping the bare minimum that I needed to survive.

So now, the concept of a magic fridge that could produce whatever I wanted, it was strange.

Suddenly, the sight of all the food was overwhelming and I grab a yogurt quickly before slamming the door shut. Looking down at the small carton in my hand I'm surprised to see that it's peach flavor.

Another one of my favorites that Elias somehow knew.

I eat it quickly and head to the bathroom to take a shower. While Elias grocery shopped like a toddler, she had impeccable taste in bathroom supplies. The towels were the softest I'd ever felt, there were brands of soaps and shampoos that I'd never heard of before but they looked and smelled expensive.

The cold water feels good on my skin and soothes the raw skin on my toe. I wasn't surprised that I'd torn a nail off, I was just surprised that that was all I'd done to my feet last night.

The more I think about last night, the more I remember about what happened. I still felt guilty and ashamed for using Elias like that, and while she hadn't seemed to mind at the time, she was right in saying that it shouldn't have happened.

Not like that and possibly not at all.

But it did. And now I can't get her out of my head. Her sighs, her smell, her taste, how she'd felt. Her lips were as soft as they looked and seemed to fit mine perfectly. In fact, all of her seemed to fit me perfectly.

Yelena would call me dumb for messing things up. Wanda would laugh and say that if she fell for a robot then it was ok for me to crush on a married woman.

But Elias had never mentioned a wife, only Dekon had. So maybe he had been lying? But what reason could he have had to lie?

The more I think about it the more questions I have until my mind is so full I almost rush out of the shower and back to the basement. But Elias wouldn't be there to stop me this time, and I might end up with more than a missing toenail this time.

Groaning, I get out of the shower and head to the bedroom, my eyes landing on the whiteboard beside the closet. Slowly an idea forms and I go over to it, taking the marker and writing quickly.

The words shimmer and disappear while the sound of boxes falling in the closet comes through the door. Opening it up, I smile at the dozens of multi colored boxes. "This should be enough to keep me entertained until she gets back," I say to myself.

Because she was coming back. I was certain of it.

Just a long rambling filler chapter 🤷‍♀️

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